1Blanca Navidad
2Gloria In Excelsis Deo (Angels We Have Heard On High)
3Santa Claus Llego' A La Ciudad
4The Christmas Song
5The Lords Prayer
6What Child Is This
7Venid Adoremos (Adeste Fideles)
8El Abeto
9Jingle Bells
10Noche De Paz
11Blue Christmas
12Santa La Noche (Cantique De Noel)
13Caro Gesu Bambino
14Bajas De Las Estrellas (Tu Scendi Dalle Stelle)
15Dios Nos Bendecira
Duets (30th Anniversary / Deluxe)
Je Vis Pour Elle
White Christmas
Canto Della Terra
Vivo Por Ella
1Je Vis Pour Elle
2White Christmas
3Da Stanotte in Poi (From This Moment On)
4Canto Della Terra
5Corcovado / Quiet Nights Of Quiet Stars
6I Believe
7Mi manchi
9What Child Is This
10Bambina Mia Ricordati