Brokanagan 心碎的城市 - lil borka ramax 作曲 : Dansonn 作词 : lil Broka Ramla This is Ramax 欢迎来到专属的频道 Here’s our story 这是属于我们的故事 For those who don’t know about us 那些对我们还不够了解的人 About this life 这是我们对生活的感悟 时间是五年前 来到这陌生的城市 地点在这kelowna 占领孤独的城池 朋友和家人 全部欢笑着目送你远去 而你的心情 却是好笑伴随不可理喻 钱财和衣服 行李装下只有身外之物 徘徊在心中 似乎只剩下牵挂与嘱咐 怀揣的梦想 不过三天就有新的领悟 花钱比速度 那时心里早就蒙上迷雾 国内的soulmate 并不是累赘 只是她们还挣扎在国内 我从未怪罪 只是很疲惫 也许你们曾经试着了解过我活的多累 生活的残酷 生命的感悟 到头来不过是属于你和我之间的套路 凌晨的晚宴 清晨的体面 回到家只会想要找个地方自寻短见 Broke your wallet Bring your deposit 虽然生活榨干了你的钱包 但你可以选择继续将存款拿出 Buy me a chocolate Get me some violet 给自己买点甜品巧克力 装扮上羞怯的紫罗兰 Broke my heart Tear me apart 虽然生活使你心碎让你伤痛不已 Try to be smart Get a new start 但你依旧可以向前看重新开始 Clean up your mind Don’t be such blind 整理好你的思绪 不要再这样蒙蔽自己的双眼 Look all the signs Throw all your kind 受过的伤还不够多吗 是时候扔掉你的仁慈了 Open that gate Count to number eight 打开这个希望之门 和我一起倒数计时 Run your new game Make some flame 你的游戏才正要开始 让我们创造出新的火花 When you rope all the hope and wish to come here 当你满怀希望来到这个陌生的地方 Your aim is never to make friend by things you hear 从未想过要蒙蔽双眼体验社交 There is nothing you can do when you see your mamas’ tear 看到视频里父母流泪的双眼 你只会感到无能为力 So all the **** you been tripping on you had to bear 当你选择背井离乡的那一刻 所有的苦难你将一人承受 Has there anyone before know how tired you are 是否曾有人关心过你的疲惫 They only care about the way you go as required far 那一双双眼睛似乎只在意你走的够不够远 When you leave all the loved ones and behind your back 当你选择负重前行 扛起责任保护家人 Now you can only pack all the pressures in your bag 现在的你便只能将压力埋在心里 Don’t you ever think why your life is so unfair 你是否曾想过为什么你的生活如此的不公平 Why would every drink only poured on your chair 为什么饮料永远只会洒在你的凳子上 People never care why your life’s unprepared 陌生的灵魂从不在意为何你的生活看似一团糟 You are feeling like running out of air 那无话可说的感觉让你渐渐感到窒息 When you shrink and you tried to get a sad story for your endless messy life to share 当你感到无助并试图向他人诉说你杂乱无章的生活 And those ******* idiots just keep saying “ I am sorry , that’s rare” 他们漠然的神情在告诉着你 “真不好意思,我帮不了你” Broke your wallet Bring your deposit 虽然生活榨干了你的钱包 但你可以选择继续将存款拿出 Buy me a chocolate Get me some violet 给自己买点甜品巧克力 装扮上羞怯的紫罗兰 Broke my heart Tear me apart 虽然生活使你心碎让你伤痛不已 Try to be smart Get a new start 但你依旧可以向前看重新开始 Clean up your mind Don’t be such blind 整理好你的思绪 不要再这样蒙蔽自己的双眼 Look all the signs Throw all your kind 受过的伤还不够多吗 是时候扔掉你的仁慈了 Open that gate Count to number eight 打开这个希望之门 和我一起倒数计时 Run your new game Make some flame 你的游戏才正要开始 让我们创造出新的火花 异国有情郎 立场随风扬 劈开思念的尽头却是暮色苍茫 逆境面对墙 哭醒的悲凉 击垮爱情的理由总是冠冕堂皇 你故作坚强 他喜怒无常 第三顺位的皮囊狡诈不露锋芒 毕竟你善良 替人作衣裳 意念撑起的厅堂早已名存实亡 How many times we walk on the street with no light in the dark night 多少次我们走在没有路灯的夜晚 We only get star staying far for the way back home to be alright 只有抬头看到的星星在指引着我们回家的路 How the **** can we call this home where nobody could turn on the light 在无人开灯的房间里再也感觉不到家的温暖 No one cares how late you come back and room you stay is so damn quiet 没人在意你是否晚归 而你的房间也只剩下一片漆黑 Brokanagan peace out 心碎的城市 就这样吧
[00:00.00]Brokanagan 心碎的城市 [00:00.20]- lil borka ramax [00:00.40]作曲 : Dansonn [00:00.40]作词 : lil Broka Ramla [00:01.00]This is Ramax [00:01.01]欢迎来到专属的频道 [00:03.00]Here’s our story [00:03.01]这是属于我们的故事 [00:05.00]For those who don’t know about us [00:05.01]那些对我们还不够了解的人 [00:08.16]About this life [00:08.17]这是我们对生活的感悟 [00:10.00]时间是五年前 来到这陌生的城市 [00:12.59]地点在这kelowna 占领孤独的城池 [00:16.13]朋友和家人 全部欢笑着目送你远去 [00:18.46]而你的心情 却是好笑伴随不可理喻 [00:21.21]钱财和衣服 行李装下只有身外之物 [00:23.80]徘徊在心中 似乎只剩下牵挂与嘱咐 [00:26.49]怀揣的梦想 不过三天就有新的领悟 [00:29.22]花钱比速度 那时心里早就蒙上迷雾 [00:31.75]国内的soulmate 并不是累赘 [00:34.64]只是她们还挣扎在国内 [00:37.21]我从未怪罪 只是很疲惫 [00:39.79]也许你们曾经试着了解过我活的多累 [00:42.46]生活的残酷 生命的感悟 [00:44.97]到头来不过是属于你和我之间的套路 [00:47.92]凌晨的晚宴 清晨的体面 [00:50.58]回到家只会想要找个地方自寻短见 [00:53.17]Broke your wallet Bring your deposit [00:53.18]虽然生活榨干了你的钱包 但你可以选择继续将存款拿出 [00:55.38]Buy me a chocolate Get me some violet [00:55.39]给自己买点甜品巧克力 装扮上羞怯的紫罗兰 [00:58.68]Broke my heart Tear me apart [00:58.69]虽然生活使你心碎让你伤痛不已 [01:00.94]Try to be smart Get a new start [01:00.95]但你依旧可以向前看重新开始 [01:03.60]Clean up your mind Don’t be such blind [01:03.61]整理好你的思绪 不要再这样蒙蔽自己的双眼 [01:06.32]Look all the signs Throw all your kind [01:06.33]受过的伤还不够多吗 是时候扔掉你的仁慈了 [01:08.86]Open that gate Count to number eight [01:08.87]打开这个希望之门 和我一起倒数计时 [01:11.50]Run your new game Make some flame [01:11.51]你的游戏才正要开始 让我们创造出新的火花 [01:14.49]When you rope all the hope and wish to come here [01:14.50]当你满怀希望来到这个陌生的地方 [01:17.84]Your aim is never to make friend by things you hear [01:17.85]从未想过要蒙蔽双眼体验社交 [01:20.58]There is nothing you can do when you see your mamas’ tear [01:20.59]看到视频里父母流泪的双眼 你只会感到无能为力 [01:23.53]So all the **** you been tripping on you had to bear [01:23.54]当你选择背井离乡的那一刻 所有的苦难你将一人承受 [01:25.86]Has there anyone before know how tired you are [01:25.87]是否曾有人关心过你的疲惫 [01:28.53]They only care about the way you go as required far [01:28.54]那一双双眼睛似乎只在意你走的够不够远 [01:30.93]When you leave all the loved ones and behind your back [01:30.94]当你选择负重前行 扛起责任保护家人 [01:33.47]Now you can only pack all the pressures in your bag [01:33.48]现在的你便只能将压力埋在心里 [01:36.31]Don’t you ever think why your life is so unfair [01:36.32]你是否曾想过为什么你的生活如此的不公平 [01:38.85]Why would every drink only poured on your chair [01:38.86]为什么饮料永远只会洒在你的凳子上 [01:41.45]People never care why your life’s unprepared [01:41.46]陌生的灵魂从不在意为何你的生活看似一团糟 [01:44.70]You are feeling like running out of air [01:44.71]那无话可说的感觉让你渐渐感到窒息 [01:47.37]When you shrink and you tried to get a sad story for your endless messy life to share [01:47.38]当你感到无助并试图向他人诉说你杂乱无章的生活 [01:51.72]And those ******* idiots just keep saying “ I am sorry , that’s rare” [01:51.73]他们漠然的神情在告诉着你 “真不好意思,我帮不了你” [01:56.95]Broke your wallet Bring your deposit [01:56.96]虽然生活榨干了你的钱包 但你可以选择继续将存款拿出 [01:59.79]Buy me a chocolate Get me some violet [01:59.80]给自己买点甜品巧克力 装扮上羞怯的紫罗兰 [02:02.44]Broke my heart Tear me apart [02:02.45]虽然生活使你心碎让你伤痛不已 [02:04.81]Try to be smart Get a new start [02:04.82]但你依旧可以向前看重新开始 [02:07.38]Clean up your mind Don’t be such blind [02:07.39]整理好你的思绪 不要再这样蒙蔽自己的双眼 [02:10.05]Look all the signs Throw all your kind [02:10.06]受过的伤还不够多吗 是时候扔掉你的仁慈了 [02:12.87]Open that gate Count to number eight [02:12.88]打开这个希望之门 和我一起倒数计时 [02:15.53]Run your new game Make some flame [02:15.54]你的游戏才正要开始 让我们创造出新的火花 [02:18.24]异国有情郎 立场随风扬 [02:20.85]劈开思念的尽头却是暮色苍茫 [02:23.56]逆境面对墙 哭醒的悲凉 [02:26.20]击垮爱情的理由总是冠冕堂皇 [02:28.96]你故作坚强 他喜怒无常 [02:31.62]第三顺位的皮囊狡诈不露锋芒 [02:34.25]毕竟你善良 替人作衣裳 [02:36.98]意念撑起的厅堂早已名存实亡 [02:39.58]How many times we walk on the street with no light in the dark night [02:39.59]多少次我们走在没有路灯的夜晚 [02:43.94]We only get star staying far for the way back home to be alright [02:43.95]只有抬头看到的星星在指引着我们回家的路 [02:47.59]How the **** can we call this home where nobody could turn on the light [02:47.60]在无人开灯的房间里再也感觉不到家的温暖 [02:52.05]No one cares how late you come back and room you stay is so damn quiet [02:52.06]没人在意你是否晚归 而你的房间也只剩下一片漆黑 [02:59.45]Brokanagan peace out [02:59.46]心碎的城市 就这样吧