『She once was a lovely girl like a fairytale(她也曾像,童话中幸福女孩) But since someday, all had gone away(自那天起,被世界抛开) Hungry and tired, and she had no way(不忍杀戮,只是饥饿难耐) Only wish for someone, who can save me from the sad fate(盼望着某个人,带我逃离这份悲哀)』
『She once was a lovely girl like a fairytale(她也曾像,童话中幸福女孩) But since someday, all had gone away(自那天起,被世界抛开) Hungry and tired, and she had no way(不忍杀戮,只是饥饿难耐) Only wish for someone, who can save me from the sad fate(盼望着某个人,带我逃离这份悲哀)』