Prod by lll instrumentals 作词:SameMore 作曲: lll instumentals Mix by Joe
No problem I can do it No problem let me do it High tone keep it low key Be the one and one and only No problem I can do it No problem let me do it like路易 six teen 清朝康熙 Sipping on OG
没有问题我还在chilling No problem man I still tripping Whenever I'm into something I'll be the one and one and only
那些压力 拿我出气 就像对待苦力 who give a **** 压榨乐趣事情我放一边 And People calling I don't give a **** 接通我的语气会变很敷衍 No problem ***** 价格五毛钱 明知山有虎偏向虎山行 但我不会害怕 就像热血小栗旬
不想学无聊的套路 过时的招数 达到一文不值的高度 科比的脚步 c罗的角度 练就八块腹肌和坚硬的小腹
Oh that **** looks easy Bad ***** tripping on the molly 按下play还要继续 无视台下所有唏嘘
讨厌 忘恩负义的 小人 总养着一条喜欢跟风的狗 打满 化学物质的 嘴唇 遮不住心里发着黑的丑
No problem I can do it No problem let me do it High tone keep it low key Be the one and one and only No problem I can do it No problem let me do it like路易 six teen 清朝康熙 Sipping on OG
I'll be the one and one and only 像英法联军强势登陆诺曼底 唇枪舌剑拿词当冷兵器 情景再现就仿佛回到八英里
No problem I can do it No problem let me do it High tone keep it low key Be the one and one and only No problem I can do it No problem let me do it like路易 six teen 清朝康熙 Sipping on OG
I don't really care those ************* ******* always try to judge me 没有问题 man 欣赏不来就滚去一边 听你的百大金曲 有人就他妈喜欢听吹牛歌 开瓶香槟再买辆宾利车 我想赚够那10 亿 在赢下个Grammy 打牌每天都能摸到清一色
So reminder my name when I still be broke Follow my dream team and kill this flow Asian boy selling china **** Keep grinding like a ******* Holy Ghost
Prod by lll instrumentals 作词:SameMore 作曲: lll instumentals Mix by Joe
No problem I can do it No problem let me do it High tone keep it low key Be the one and one and only No problem I can do it No problem let me do it like路易 six teen 清朝康熙 Sipping on OG
没有问题我还在chilling No problem man I still tripping Whenever I'm into something I'll be the one and one and only
那些压力 拿我出气 就像对待苦力 who give a **** 压榨乐趣事情我放一边 And People calling I don't give a **** 接通我的语气会变很敷衍 No problem ***** 价格五毛钱 明知山有虎偏向虎山行 但我不会害怕 就像热血小栗旬
不想学无聊的套路 过时的招数 达到一文不值的高度 科比的脚步 c罗的角度 练就八块腹肌和坚硬的小腹
Oh that **** looks easy Bad ***** tripping on the molly 按下play还要继续 无视台下所有唏嘘
讨厌 忘恩负义的 小人 总养着一条喜欢跟风的狗 打满 化学物质的 嘴唇 遮不住心里发着黑的丑
No problem I can do it No problem let me do it High tone keep it low key Be the one and one and only No problem I can do it No problem let me do it like路易 six teen 清朝康熙 Sipping on OG
I'll be the one and one and only 像英法联军强势登陆诺曼底 唇枪舌剑拿词当冷兵器 情景再现就仿佛回到八英里
No problem I can do it No problem let me do it High tone keep it low key Be the one and one and only No problem I can do it No problem let me do it like路易 six teen 清朝康熙 Sipping on OG
I don't really care those ************* ******* always try to judge me 没有问题 man 欣赏不来就滚去一边 听你的百大金曲 有人就他妈喜欢听吹牛歌 开瓶香槟再买辆宾利车 我想赚够那10 亿 在赢下个Grammy 打牌每天都能摸到清一色
So reminder my name when I still be broke Follow my dream team and kill this flow Asian boy selling china **** Keep grinding like a ******* Holy Ghost