Chours: lalalalalalala lalalalala swag swag Swaggie take you fly lalalalalalala lalalalala 我这朵巾帼从来不让须眉 lalalalalalala lalalalala swag swag Swaggie take you fly lalalalalalala lalalalala 我这朵巾帼从来不让须眉
台上一分钟台下十年功 没有那退路所有只能选择向前冲(so cool) 奔跑吧rapper一场游戏一场梦 里我们正在忙着大闹天宫 十八般武艺 闪转腾挪飞檐走壁 身怀绝技 反转成佛着铁斗笠 快去吃枸杞 小心手癖 要做个手艺人 我不用手臂 焦灼口技 让你心并焚 one for the money two for the show 有江湖的地方 就有歌手 three get ready now hands up 谁是大牌谁是小丑 one for the money two for the show 有江湖的地方 就有歌手 three get ready now hands up 战争没有硝烟 成王败寇
I’m singer Swaggie rapper Swaggie I being around the world,they know me Swaggie I’m singer Swaggie rapper Swaggie I don’t give bout your girl,they want me Swaggie I’m good girl Swaggie bad girl Swaggie Do the real Thangalang they call me Swaggie They love me Swaggie hate me Swaggie But till the end they need me Swaggie girls go wild boys go wild everybody go wild it’s swaggie Bounce
lalalalalalala lalalalala swag swag Swaggie take you fly lalalalalalala lalalalala 我这朵巾帼从来不让须眉 lalalalalalala lalalalala swag swag Swaggie take you fly lalalalalalala lalalalala 我这朵巾帼从来不让须眉
Chours: lalalalalalala lalalalala swag swag Swaggie take you fly lalalalalalala lalalalala 我这朵巾帼从来不让须眉 lalalalalalala lalalalala swag swag Swaggie take you fly lalalalalalala lalalalala 我这朵巾帼从来不让须眉
台上一分钟台下十年功 没有那退路所有只能选择向前冲(so cool) 奔跑吧rapper一场游戏一场梦 里我们正在忙着大闹天宫 十八般武艺 闪转腾挪飞檐走壁 身怀绝技 反转成佛着铁斗笠 快去吃枸杞 小心手癖 要做个手艺人 我不用手臂 焦灼口技 让你心并焚 one for the money two for the show 有江湖的地方 就有歌手 three get ready now hands up 谁是大牌谁是小丑 one for the money two for the show 有江湖的地方 就有歌手 three get ready now hands up 战争没有硝烟 成王败寇
I’m singer Swaggie rapper Swaggie I being around the world,they know me Swaggie I’m singer Swaggie rapper Swaggie I don’t give bout your girl,they want me Swaggie I’m good girl Swaggie bad girl Swaggie Do the real Thangalang they call me Swaggie They love me Swaggie hate me Swaggie But till the end they need me Swaggie girls go wild boys go wild everybody go wild it’s swaggie Bounce
lalalalalalala lalalalala swag swag Swaggie take you fly lalalalalalala lalalalala 我这朵巾帼从来不让须眉 lalalalalalala lalalalala swag swag Swaggie take you fly lalalalalalala lalalalala 我这朵巾帼从来不让须眉