yo 我想要乘坐梦想的列车 去寻找成功后那一幕幕的景色 可信号灯一直闪烁着红色 老师的喇叭在慵懒的广播 被海水浸透的上衣衬托出彷徨焦躁不安的我 终于等到了发车的许可 我冲上去发现上面挤满乘客 追寻梦想的人太多 而我只是他们里面的其中一个 没有人会让步 相互拥挤相互摩擦 梦想的列车谁也不愿在此错过 一天又一天 一站又一站 身边的人一个接一个的消失掉 做出自己放弃的选择 而我还在看着窗外静静的等待着 I appreciate love and need your help im a heathy-grow man try to do learn(love)myself and my life ok cause bless with the future A familiar hope is this so important I appreciate love and need your help im a heathy-grow man try to do learn(love)myself and my life ok cause bless with the future A familiar hope is this so important 2007年 还是一个人享受孤独 生活的压力环绕在我的周围 感到如此无助 时间没有给我任何机会 它永远不会停住 滴答滴答滴 秒针转得飞速 其实我应该感到知足 家人朋友还在我的身边 温暖幸福取代内心孤独 还在回想当初 早期梦想太阳被迷茫所解读 每个人的身边都好像如此的企图 不敢再去面对 停下了脚步 回头去寻找那梦中的归宿 蓝天、白云躺在广阔草原 我再一次赌上我的明天 美了这那梦想的画面 我不顾一切 梦 永远不会结束 我不再留恋 I appreciate love and need your help im a heathy-grow man try to do learn(love)myself and my life ok cause bless with the future A familiar hope is this so important I appreciate love and need your help im a heathy-grow man try to do learn(love)myself and my life ok cause bless with the future A familiar hope is this so important 从此踏上了新的征途 一个人那是件当做筹码去赌 是赢是输 结局我自己来背负 再次踏上了我的说唱之路 我到底得到了什么(什么) 梦中前进的是谁(是谁) 我是否失去了很多(很多) 现实中怎样挽回(挽回) 乌云遮住了天空(天空) 彩虹预示着成功(成功) 付出像阵阵微风(微风) 命运被轻轻吹动(吹动) 生活带来了快乐(快乐) 悲伤伴随着生活(生活) 快乐悲伤在诉说(诉说) 生活就是我梦中看到的 I appreciate love and need your help im a heathy-grow man try to do learn(love)myself and my life ok cause bless with the future A familiar hope is this so important I appreciate love and need your help im a heathy-grow man try to do learn(love)myself and my life ok cause bless with the future A familiar hope is this so important 到底没真明白是learn 还是love ,见谅。。。希望大家支持我!谢<8352,-220036,0>谢
[00:11.466] [00:13.966]yo [00:14.166]我想要乘坐梦想的列车 [00:15.965]去寻找成功后那一幕幕的景色 [00:18.316]可信号灯一直闪烁着红色 [00:20.316]老师的喇叭在慵懒的广播 [00:22.317]被海水浸透的上衣衬托出彷徨焦躁不安的我 [00:27.767]终于等到了发车的许可 [00:31.67]我冲上去发现上面挤满乘客 [00:33.469]追寻梦想的人太多 [00:36.319]而我只是他们里面的其中一个 [00:39.119]没有人会让步 [00:40.621]相互拥挤相互摩擦 [00:42.21]梦想的列车谁也不愿在此错过 [00:45.373]一天又一天 [00:46.723]一站又一站 [00:48.122]身边的人一个接一个的消失掉 [00:51.23]做出自己放弃的选择 [00:53.623]而我还在看着窗外静静的等待着 [00:56.673]I appreciate love and need your help [01:00.26]im a heathy-grow man try to do learn(love)myself and my life ok cause bless with the future [01:05.676]A familiar hope is this so important [01:07.677]I appreciate love and need your help [01:10.227]im a heathy-grow man try to do learn(love)myself and my life ok cause bless with the future [01:15.927]A familiar hope is this so important [01:18.878]2007年 [01:19.277]还是一个人享受孤独 [01:21.678]生活的压力环绕在我的周围 [01:24.427]感到如此无助 [01:26.779]时间没有给我任何机会 [01:28.779]它永远不会停住 [01:30.229]滴答滴答滴 [01:31.479]秒针转得飞速 [01:32.729]其实我应该感到知足 [01:34.680]家人朋友还在我的身边 [01:37.429]温暖幸福取代内心孤独 [01:40.379]还在回想当初 [01:41.680]早期梦想太阳被迷茫所解读 [01:44.229]每个人的身边都好像如此的企图 [01:47.630]不敢再去面对 [01:48.930]停下了脚步 [01:50.31]回头去寻找那梦中的归宿 [01:52.531]蓝天、白云躺在广阔草原 [01:55.582]我再一次赌上我的明天 [01:58.182]美了这那梦想的画面 [01:59.931]我不顾一切 [02:00.982]梦 [02:01.182]永远不会结束 [02:02.931]我不再留恋 [02:04.382]I appreciate love and need your help [02:06.832]im a heathy-grow man try to do learn(love)myself and my life ok cause bless with the future [02:12.383]A familiar hope is this so important [02:15.333]I appreciate love and need your help [02:18.33]im a heathy-grow man try to do learn(love)myself and my life ok cause bless with the future [02:23.683]A familiar hope is this so important [02:26.634]从此踏上了新的征途 [02:29.183]一个人那是件当做筹码去赌 [02:31.984]是赢是输 [02:33.83]结局我自己来背负 [02:35.184]再次踏上了我的说唱之路 [02:38.184]我到底得到了什么(什么) [02:40.837]梦中前进的是谁(是谁) [02:43.687]我是否失去了很多(很多) [02:46.790]现实中怎样挽回(挽回) [02:49.490]乌云遮住了天空(天空) [02:52.289]彩虹预示着成功(成功) [02:55.240]付出像阵阵微风(微风) [02:57.940]命运被轻轻吹动(吹动) [03:00.591]生活带来了快乐(快乐) [03:03.592]悲伤伴随着生活(生活) [03:06.392]快乐悲伤在诉说(诉说) [03:09.41]生活就是我梦中看到的 [03:11.942]I appreciate love and need your help [03:14.342]im a heathy-grow man try to do learn(love)myself and my life ok cause bless with the future [03:20.142]A familiar hope is this so important [03:23.43]I appreciate love and need your help [03:24.992]im a heathy-grow man try to do learn(love)myself and my life ok cause bless with the future [03:29.643]A familiar hope is this so important [03:33.593]到底没真明白是learn 还是love ,见谅。。。希望大家支持我!谢<8352,-220036,0>谢