1Come Softly to Me
3Gouli-Gouli Dou
4The Cricket Serenade
5If I Cared a Little Less
6Spring in Seville
7Love in Portofino
8Millions of Teardrops
9Too Much Tequila
10Le Monde a Change
11The Right Girl on the Left Bank
12Hava Naguila
Soul Coaxing
La vie Parisienne
Leisure Time
Le gendarme de Saint-Tropez & Autres (Original Motion Picture Soundtracks)
Raymond Lefèvre - Ses Grands Succès
Música para Sentir
1La Gaite Parisienne
2La Reine De Saba
3Adios, Amor
4Whatever Lola Wants
5The days of pearly spencer
6Sous le Ciel de Paris
7Âme Caline
8À Paris
9Tu M'Étais Destinée
10Sensibilita (De "Tempo di Roma")