1the flowers in the mirror 镜花
2magnetic force 磁力
3mirage 幻景
4cloud particle 云粒
5cloud 云
6china fuzz(remix)
7moon on the water 水月
8mirror 镜面
9human machine 人是机器
10unconsciousness 无意识
11winter fog 雪雾
12china fuzz(bonus track)
幻象Psychedelic Elephant
For the Peaceful Night Vol.1 致和平夜晚
Pouring Light Pt.2 (光 .2)
边界之境 Eight Dreams
1Almost waiting
2Circle composition 圆合成
3Dream dust 尘梦
4Move my mind
5Fume 浓烟
6Fake memory
7Radiance 辐射
8Sometimes incline 时光倾斜
9Cold light 冷光
10Rapid eye movement 快速眼球运动