Artist: Bread Title: Aubrey And Aubrey was her name, a not so very ordinary girl or name. But who's to blame for a love that wouldn't bloom for the hearts that never played in tune. Like a lovely melody that everyone can sing, take away the words that rhyme it doesn't mean a thing. And Aubrey was her name. We triped the light and danced togther to the moon, but where was June. No it never came around. If it did it never made a sound, maybe I was absent or was listening to fast, catching all the words, but then the meaning going past, but god I miss the girl, and I'd go a thousand times around the world just to be closer the her than to me. And Aubrey was her name, I never new her, but I loved her just the same, I loved her name. Wish that I had found the way and the reasons that would make her stay. I have learned to lead a life apart from all the rest. If I can't have the one I want , I'll do without the best. But how I miss the girl and I'd go a million times around the world just to say she had been mine for a day,
[00:05.21]Artist: Bread [00:10.32]Title: Aubrey [00:14.75]And Aubrey was her name, [00:19.94]a not so very ordinary girl or name. [00:26.26]But who's to blame for a love that wouldn't bloom [00:38.76]for the hearts that never played in tune. [00:44.56]Like a lovely melody that everyone can sing, [00:51.79]take away the words that rhyme it doesn't mean a thing. [01:02.26]And Aubrey was her name. [01:07.80]We triped the light and danced togther to the moon, [01:15.08]but where was June. No it never came around. [01:27.03]If it did it never made a sound, [01:33.10]maybe I was absent or was listening to fast, [01:40.41]catching all the words, but then the meaning going past, [01:52.60]but god I miss the girl, and I'd go a thousand [01:59.92]times around the world just to be closer the her than to me. [02:22.08]And Aubrey was her name, [02:28.47]I never new her, but I loved her just the same, [02:35.13]I loved her name. [02:40.72]Wish that I had found the way [02:47.75]and the reasons that would make her stay. [02:53.41]I have learned to lead a life apart from all the rest. [03:00.75]If I can't have the one I want , I'll do without the best. [03:11.22]But how I miss the girl and I'd go a million [03:19.48]times around the world just to say she had been mine for a day,