[Michael Shermer] Science is the best tool ever devised for understanding how the world works [迈克尔·舍默] 科学是探索世界奥秘的利器 [Jacob Bronowski] Science is a very human form of knowledge [雅各布·布鲁诺维奇] 科学以人为本 We are always at the brink of the known 我们总是站在已知世界的边界 [Carl Sagan] Science is a collaborative enterprise spaning the generations [卡尔·萨根] 科学是人类跨越世代的共同事业 We remember those who prepared the way 我们铭记为科学铺路的先驱 Seeing for them also 也见证着他们的伟大 [Neil deGrasse Tyson] If you're scientifically literate, [尼尔·德格拉斯·泰森] 如果用科学的思想看世界, The World looks very different to you 世界迥然不同, And that understanding empowers you 而这种思想将赋予你力量 [Richard Dawkins] There's real poetry in the real world [理查德·道金斯] 现实世界里拥有动人的诗歌, Science is the poetry of reality 而而科学正是现实的诗歌 [Carl Sagan] We can do science and with it, [卡尔·萨根 ] 我们运用科学,有了它, we can improve our lives 生活更加美好 [Richard Dawkins] There's real poetry in the real world [理查德·道金斯] 现实世界里拥有动人的诗歌, science is the poetry of reality 而科学正是现实的诗歌 [Jill Tarter] The story of humans is the story of ideas that shine light into dark corners [吉尔·塔特] 在黑暗中,思想碰撞出的光明诞生了人类的故事 [Lawrence Krauss] Scientists love mysteries [劳伦斯·克劳斯] 科学家热爱探索奥秘, They love not knowing 他们对未知充满兴趣 [Richard Feynman] I don't feel frightened by not knowing things [理查德·费曼] 对未知世界我无所畏惧 I think it's much more interesting 这使我感到无穷乐趣 [Brian Greene] There's a larger universal reality of which we are all part [布赖恩·格林] 这是个广阔无垠的宇宙,而我们只是一粒星尘 [Stephen Hawking] The further we probe into the universe [史蒂芬霍金] 我们探索得愈深入, The more remarkable are the discoveries we make 会愈发感到世界的精彩 [Carolyn Porco] The quest for the truth, in and of itself,Is a story that's filled with insights [卡罗琳·波尔科] 探寻真理的过程本身就是个充满真知灼见的故事 [Richard Dawkins] There's real poetry in the real world [理查德·道金斯] 现实世界里拥有动人的诗歌, science is the poetry of reality 而科学正是现实的诗歌 [Carl Sagan] We can do science and with it, [卡尔·萨根] 我们运用科学,有了它, we can improve our lives 生活更加美好 [Richard Dawkins] There's real poetry in the real world [理查德·道金斯] 现实世界里拥有动人的诗歌, science is the poetry of reality 而科学正是现实的诗歌 [Jill Tarter] The story of humans is the story of ideas that shine light into dark corners 在黑暗中,思想碰撞出的光明诞生了人类的故事 [Greene] From our lonely point in the cosmos 在宇宙中人类只是孤独的尘埃, We have through the power of thought 但从我们有了思想的力量时 Been able to peer back to a brief moment 便能够让我们回到 After the beginning of the universe 宇宙伊始之际 [PZ Myers] I think that science changes the way your mind works [PZ 迈尔斯] 我认为科学改变了我们的思考方式 To think a little more deeply about things 使思想更加深刻 [Richard Dawkins] Science replaces private prejudice [理查德·道金斯] 科学用公正的事实 With publicly verifiable evidence 摆脱个人偏见 [Richard Dawkins] There's real poetry in the real world [理查德·道金斯] 现实世界里拥有动人的诗歌, science is the poetry of reality 而科学正是现实的诗歌 [Carl Sagan] We can do science and with it, [卡尔·萨根 ] 我们运用科学,有了它, we can improve our lives 生活更加美好
[00:13:00][Michael Shermer] [00:13:00]Science is the best tool ever devised for understanding how the world works [00:13:00][迈克尔·舍默] [00:13:00]科学是探索世界奥秘的利器 [00:19:00][Jacob Bronowski] [00:19:00]Science is a very human form of knowledge [00:19:00][雅各布·布鲁诺维奇] [00:19:00]科学以人为本 [00:22:00]We are always at the brink of the known [00:22:00]我们总是站在已知世界的边界 [00:25:00][Carl Sagan] [00:25:00]Science is a collaborative enterprise spaning the generations [00:25:00][卡尔·萨根] [00:25:00]科学是人类跨越世代的共同事业 [00:31:00]We remember those who prepared the way [00:31:00]我们铭记为科学铺路的先驱 [00:34:00]Seeing for them also [00:34:00]也见证着他们的伟大 [00:37:00][Neil deGrasse Tyson] [00:37:00]If you're scientifically literate, [00:37:00][尼尔·德格拉斯·泰森] [00:37:00]如果用科学的思想看世界, [00:39:00]The World looks very different to you [00:39:00]世界迥然不同, [00:40:00]And that understanding empowers you [00:40:00]而这种思想将赋予你力量 [00:49:00][Richard Dawkins] [00:49:00]There's real poetry in the real world [00:49:00][理查德·道金斯] [00:49:00]现实世界里拥有动人的诗歌, [00:52:00]Science is the poetry of reality [00:52:00]而而科学正是现实的诗歌 [00:55:00][Carl Sagan] [00:55:00]We can do science and with it, [00:55:00][卡尔·萨根 ] [00:55:00]我们运用科学,有了它, [00:58:00]we can improve our lives [00:58:00]生活更加美好 [01:02:00][Richard Dawkins] [01:02:00]There's real poetry in the real world [01:02:00][理查德·道金斯] [01:02:00]现实世界里拥有动人的诗歌, [01:05:00]science is the poetry of reality [01:05:00]而科学正是现实的诗歌 [01:07:00][Jill Tarter] [01:07:00]The story of humans is the story of ideas that shine light into dark corners [01:11:00][吉尔·塔特] [01:11:00]在黑暗中,思想碰撞出的光明诞生了人类的故事 [01:19:00][Lawrence Krauss] [01:19:00]Scientists love mysteries [01:19:00][劳伦斯·克劳斯] [01:19:00]科学家热爱探索奥秘, [01:22:00]They love not knowing [01:22:00]他们对未知充满兴趣 [01:25:00][Richard Feynman] [01:25:00]I don't feel frightened by not knowing things [01:25:00][理查德·费曼] [01:25:00]对未知世界我无所畏惧 [01:29:00]I think it's much more interesting [01:29:00]这使我感到无穷乐趣 [01:32:00][Brian Greene] [01:32:00]There's a larger universal reality of which we are all part [01:32:00][布赖恩·格林] [01:32:00]这是个广阔无垠的宇宙,而我们只是一粒星尘 [01:38:00][Stephen Hawking] [01:38:00]The further we probe into the universe [01:38:00][史蒂芬霍金] [01:38:00]我们探索得愈深入, [01:41:00]The more remarkable are the discoveries we make [01:41:00]会愈发感到世界的精彩 [01:44:00][Carolyn Porco] [01:44:00]The quest for the truth, in and of itself,Is a story that's filled with insights [01:44:00][卡罗琳·波尔科] [01:44:00]探寻真理的过程本身就是个充满真知灼见的故事 [01:56:00][Richard Dawkins] [01:56:00]There's real poetry in the real world [01:56:00][理查德·道金斯] [01:56:00]现实世界里拥有动人的诗歌, [01:59:00]science is the poetry of reality [01:59:00]而科学正是现实的诗歌 [02:03:00][Carl Sagan] [02:03:00]We can do science and with it, [02:03:00][卡尔·萨根] [02:03:00]我们运用科学,有了它, [02:05:00]we can improve our lives [02:05:00]生活更加美好 [02:08:00][Richard Dawkins] [02:08:00]There's real poetry in the real world [02:08:00][理查德·道金斯] [02:08:00]现实世界里拥有动人的诗歌, [02:11:00]science is the poetry of reality [02:11:00]而科学正是现实的诗歌 [02:14:00][Jill Tarter] [02:14:00]The story of humans is the story of ideas that shine light into dark corners [02:14:00]在黑暗中,思想碰撞出的光明诞生了人类的故事 [02:20:00][Greene] [02:20:00]From our lonely point in the cosmos [02:20:00]在宇宙中人类只是孤独的尘埃, [02:23:00]We have through the power of thought [02:23:00]但从我们有了思想的力量时 [02:26:00]Been able to peer back to a brief moment [02:26:00]便能够让我们回到 [02:30:00]After the beginning of the universe [02:30:00]宇宙伊始之际 [02:32:00][PZ Myers] [02:32:00]I think that science changes the way your mind works [02:32:00][PZ 迈尔斯] [02:32:00]我认为科学改变了我们的思考方式 [02:35:00]To think a little more deeply about things [02:35:00]使思想更加深刻 [02:39:00][Richard Dawkins] [02:39:00]Science replaces private prejudice [02:39:00][理查德·道金斯] [02:39:00]科学用公正的事实 [02:41:00]With publicly verifiable evidence [02:41:00]摆脱个人偏见 [02:44:00][Richard Dawkins] [02:44:00]There's real poetry in the real world [02:44:00][理查德·道金斯] [02:44:00]现实世界里拥有动人的诗歌, [02:47:00]science is the poetry of reality [02:47:00]而科学正是现实的诗歌 [02:51:00][Carl Sagan] [02:51:00]We can do science and with it, [02:51:00][卡尔·萨根 ] [02:51:00]我们运用科学,有了它, [02:54:00]we can improve our lives [02:54:00]生活更加美好