作词 : Vathulhu 作曲 : Vathulhu 我走在清晨的森林 walking in the forest in the moring 她清新而静谧 feeling fresh and quiet 阳光温暖又明亮 the sunshine is warm and bright 但却永远照不进这里 but it will never shine here
鸟儿在枝头歌唱 birds are singing on the branch 瞿麦张开双臂随风狂舞Dianthus are waving wings and dancing in the wild wind 弥漫着的是生命的气息 full of the smell of lives 让人欢快,使人着迷 delight us, attract us
我听见有人在说 I hear someone saying MOSA MOSA 你在哪里 MOSA MOSA where are you 森林中的迷雾遮蔽 the mist obstructs 使它看上去模糊不清 making it obscure
我迷失在黑夜的森林 I’ve lost in the dark forest 她深邃而狰狞 she is subtle and ferocious while 月光冰冷而晦暗 moonlight is gloomy & freezing cold 但却透过树叶渗进这里 but it dripped through the leaves
夜莺在枯枝上哭泣nightingales are weeping on the twig 迷迭香挥舞双手撕扯狂风rosemary are ripping the squall 流淌出来死亡的味道flowing out flavor of death 让人厌恶,使人绝望 making me sick and depressed
我听见有人在说I hear someone saying MOSA MOSA 他在这里MOSA MOSA,he is right here 森林中一片混沌A chaos bursts in the forest 荒芜却又波澜不惊desertedly and unevenfully
有人在悲伤的叫喊 someone is shouting sadly MOSA MOSA 你去哪里 where are you going 有人在歇斯底里的咆哮 someone is roaring hysterically MOSA MOSA 你永远离不开这里 MOSA MOSA never leave me alone
永远离不开这片 never leave this forest filled with mist 充满迷雾的森林
作词 : Vathulhu 作曲 : Vathulhu 我走在清晨的森林 walking in the forest in the moring 她清新而静谧 feeling fresh and quiet 阳光温暖又明亮 the sunshine is warm and bright 但却永远照不进这里 but it will never shine here
鸟儿在枝头歌唱 birds are singing on the branch 瞿麦张开双臂随风狂舞Dianthus are waving wings and dancing in the wild wind 弥漫着的是生命的气息 full of the smell of lives 让人欢快,使人着迷 delight us, attract us
我听见有人在说 I hear someone saying MOSA MOSA 你在哪里 MOSA MOSA where are you 森林中的迷雾遮蔽 the mist obstructs 使它看上去模糊不清 making it obscure
我迷失在黑夜的森林 I’ve lost in the dark forest 她深邃而狰狞 she is subtle and ferocious while 月光冰冷而晦暗 moonlight is gloomy & freezing cold 但却透过树叶渗进这里 but it dripped through the leaves
夜莺在枯枝上哭泣nightingales are weeping on the twig 迷迭香挥舞双手撕扯狂风rosemary are ripping the squall 流淌出来死亡的味道flowing out flavor of death 让人厌恶,使人绝望 making me sick and depressed
我听见有人在说I hear someone saying MOSA MOSA 他在这里MOSA MOSA,he is right here 森林中一片混沌A chaos bursts in the forest 荒芜却又波澜不惊desertedly and unevenfully
有人在悲伤的叫喊 someone is shouting sadly MOSA MOSA 你去哪里 where are you going 有人在歇斯底里的咆哮 someone is roaring hysterically MOSA MOSA 你永远离不开这里 MOSA MOSA never leave me alone
永远离不开这片 never leave this forest filled with mist 充满迷雾的森林