作词 : X-Chao 作曲 : X-Chao People want to stay 人总是习惯 stay in good place 待在舒适区 Nothing goes away 不用付出代价 Drowning dreaming 还沉溺于白日做梦 People wanna escape 人总爱逃避 escape from the way 逃避面对 the real condition 逃避现实 Ego's plumping up greed 自我易膨胀,贪念易滋生 Making hatred 心魔困扰 Fooling the people who can’t see it through 就蛊惑人心 Amigo’s crying to pay 有人哭恨偿还 Losing another game 痛失博弈 Regret on the starting 悔之当初,懊之现在 Throw all the laziness 甩掉所有懒惰 I know you can make it 你做得到 straighten up yourself 振作起来 Be the man nobody can chase it 修炼自己,无人超越 Dry up the tears 擦干眼泪 Do it 行动起来 Follow the way 全新出发 Fix it 坚定信念 You should have known dream is 你要深知 Something no one can doubt it 没人有资格质疑你的梦想 Take all the teasing 他人笑你太痴狂 and make them to pieces 你笑他人看不穿 Heading to where 一路向前 You already know that's your belonging 追随内心 Put on your deep faith 用时间和信念 And cook them with greets and timing 让努力开花结果 No pain then no gain 付出必有回报 That's how we fight the game 取经之道,用之奥妙 People are always to say 人总爱抱怨 Always too late 抱怨太晚 Not in good shape 状态欠佳 fearing losing 畏惧得不偿失 People following this way 所以爱随波逐流 Looking So great 向往高大上的表面 Like diamond is shining 追求璀璨星光的假象 Ego's flying so high 自我便一飞冲天 Messing around 迷惑人心 Breaking everything into every little pieces 所有付出粉碎破灭 Amigo’s crying to pay 有人哭恨偿还 Judging himself like a freak 被他人嘲笑 The laugh of falling 骂自己怪胎 You wanna make it 你想成功 But never to take it 但又不开工 Dreaming about one day you can roll with the landscape 整天幻想有朝一日,一览众山小 The time is ongoing 时间不等人 But Talking so money 挂在嘴边的却总是那张纸 Nothing in mind 肚子里没墨水 What's done turns out to be bragging 只会打嘴炮,喊口号 Habit of Delaying 事情拖拖拖 The table still drinking 醉生梦死的活着 Socializing around and around takes too much the meaning 认为交际应酬重于泰山 You know it 你心知肚明 Yet ain't see it 却视而不见 Pretending to never get it 自欺欺人 All Good for nothing 追求华而不实的虚假 But you never dare to change 却从不敢改变 You wanna make it 你想成功 So get on to prove it 那就去证明自己 Believe in yourself 相信自己 Be the man that nobody can chase it 追求卓越,无人赶超 Dry up the tears 擦干矫情的眼泪 Do it 行动起来 Follow your way 重新出发 Fix it 坚定信念 You should have known dream is 你要深知 Something no one can doubt it 没人有资格质疑你的梦想 Take on the war paint 穿上战装 Be brave and be real man 拿出骨气 The mission on shoulder is calling 身兼重任,使命召唤 You back to the game 这场博弈 To the game 你要来 To the game 你必来 It's now and never 机不可失,失不再来 Fight your ass 就算**开花 To win 也要奋战到底,凯旋而归
作词 : X-Chao 作曲 : X-Chao People want to stay 人总是习惯 stay in good place 待在舒适区 Nothing goes away 不用付出代价 Drowning dreaming 还沉溺于白日做梦 People wanna escape 人总爱逃避 escape from the way 逃避面对 the real condition 逃避现实 Ego's plumping up greed 自我易膨胀,贪念易滋生 Making hatred 心魔困扰 Fooling the people who can’t see it through 就蛊惑人心 Amigo’s crying to pay 有人哭恨偿还 Losing another game 痛失博弈 Regret on the starting 悔之当初,懊之现在 Throw all the laziness 甩掉所有懒惰 I know you can make it 你做得到 straighten up yourself 振作起来 Be the man nobody can chase it 修炼自己,无人超越 Dry up the tears 擦干眼泪 Do it 行动起来 Follow the way 全新出发 Fix it 坚定信念 You should have known dream is 你要深知 Something no one can doubt it 没人有资格质疑你的梦想 Take all the teasing 他人笑你太痴狂 and make them to pieces 你笑他人看不穿 Heading to where 一路向前 You already know that's your belonging 追随内心 Put on your deep faith 用时间和信念 And cook them with greets and timing 让努力开花结果 No pain then no gain 付出必有回报 That's how we fight the game 取经之道,用之奥妙 People are always to say 人总爱抱怨 Always too late 抱怨太晚 Not in good shape 状态欠佳 fearing losing 畏惧得不偿失 People following this way 所以爱随波逐流 Looking So great 向往高大上的表面 Like diamond is shining 追求璀璨星光的假象 Ego's flying so high 自我便一飞冲天 Messing around 迷惑人心 Breaking everything into every little pieces 所有付出粉碎破灭 Amigo’s crying to pay 有人哭恨偿还 Judging himself like a freak 被他人嘲笑 The laugh of falling 骂自己怪胎 You wanna make it 你想成功 But never to take it 但又不开工 Dreaming about one day you can roll with the landscape 整天幻想有朝一日,一览众山小 The time is ongoing 时间不等人 But Talking so money 挂在嘴边的却总是那张纸 Nothing in mind 肚子里没墨水 What's done turns out to be bragging 只会打嘴炮,喊口号 Habit of Delaying 事情拖拖拖 The table still drinking 醉生梦死的活着 Socializing around and around takes too much the meaning 认为交际应酬重于泰山 You know it 你心知肚明 Yet ain't see it 却视而不见 Pretending to never get it 自欺欺人 All Good for nothing 追求华而不实的虚假 But you never dare to change 却从不敢改变 You wanna make it 你想成功 So get on to prove it 那就去证明自己 Believe in yourself 相信自己 Be the man that nobody can chase it 追求卓越,无人赶超 Dry up the tears 擦干矫情的眼泪 Do it 行动起来 Follow your way 重新出发 Fix it 坚定信念 You should have known dream is 你要深知 Something no one can doubt it 没人有资格质疑你的梦想 Take on the war paint 穿上战装 Be brave and be real man 拿出骨气 The mission on shoulder is calling 身兼重任,使命召唤 You back to the game 这场博弈 To the game 你要来 To the game 你必来 It's now and never 机不可失,失不再来 Fight your ass 就算**开花 To win 也要奋战到底,凯旋而归