1Do Glowy (Live)
2Listening to the Frogs with Demon Eyes (Live)
3Nigdy Nie (Never No) [Live]
4The Castle (Live)
5There Should Be Unicorns (Live)
6We a Famly (Live)
7How?? (Live)
The Flaming Lips
Unconsciously Screamin' EP
Due To High Expectations...The Flaming Lips Are Providing Needles For Your Balloons
Soil X Samples 23
Clouds Taste Metallic
1Do You Realize??
2Do You Realize?
3A Spoonful Weighs A Ton
4She Don't Use Jelly
5The Spiderbite Song
6What Is The Light?
7The Gash
8At The Fish Fry And The Bigot's Drunk
10******* ("Plastic Jesus") (Porch Version)