作词 : Fitzsimons Newspapers, Magazines, Jobs galore Middle class students, oh what a bore Designer labels trendy post codes Putting Charlie up your nose Brand new cars take a look Paid by daddy's big cheque book Your rebellion stands at the back of the club Inking down notes with the bands blood WE WANT JU STICE NOT POLITICS W E WANT JUS TICE NOT P OLITICS WE WANT JUSTI CE NOT POL ITICS WE W ANT JUSTIC E NOT POLI TICS LITTL E BIT OF T ROUBLE YOU TURN TAIL AND RUN WH AT YOU ONC E BELIEVED IN NOW YOU TAKE THE P ISS BY WOR D OF MOUTH AND NEGATI VE PRESS What goes through your mind is a mystery You watch street bands kickin in history We're having a say your having a go You're the first to spot a row at a punk show Dancing and music's about having fun
作词 : Fitzsimons Newspapers, Magazines, Jobs galore Middle class students, oh what a bore Designer labels trendy post codes Putting Charlie up your nose Brand new cars take a look Paid by daddy's big cheque book Your rebellion stands at the back of the club Inking down notes with the bands blood WE WANT JU STICE NOT POLITICS W E WANT JUS TICE NOT P OLITICS WE WANT JUSTI CE NOT POL ITICS WE W ANT JUSTIC E NOT POLI TICS LITTL E BIT OF T ROUBLE YOU TURN TAIL AND RUN WH AT YOU ONC E BELIEVED IN NOW YOU TAKE THE P ISS BY WOR D OF MOUTH AND NEGATI VE PRESS What goes through your mind is a mystery You watch street bands kickin in history We're having a say your having a go You're the first to spot a row at a punk show Dancing and music's about having fun