1어제처럼 (Like yesterday)
2별 보러 갈래 (To the stars) (Inst.)
3달콤한 거짓말 (Sweet lie) (Inst.)
4우리 둘이 (Two of us)
5잘 자 (Good night)
6달콤한 거짓말 (Sweet lie)
7우연처럼 (By chance)
8별 보러 갈래 (To the stars)
달콤한 거짓말
1별 보러 갈래 (To the stars)
2우연처럼 (By chance)
3달콤한 거짓말 (Sweet lie)
4잘 자 (Good night)
5우리 둘이 (Two of us)
6달콤한 거짓말 (Sweet lie) (Inst.)
7별 보러 갈래 (To the stars) (Inst.)
8어제처럼 (Like yesterday)
9안녕 (Goodbye)
10안녕 (Goodbye) (Inst.)