1音乐和我在一块 music with me
2转变 turn
3我是个小孩 i am a kid
4成功 success
5i am sorry dna
6i like animation
7害怕的感觉 feeling of afraid
8小精灵4 ghost 4
9小精灵3 ghost 3
10小精灵2 ghost 2
11小精灵1 ghost 1
12一个人打篮球 play basketball alone
13新的技能 new skill
14幸运伴随着不幸 lucky with unlucky
15考试 examination
16不能胖can't fit
1719岁 19 years old
18矩阵 Matrix
19我妹妹 My little sister
2020岁 20 years old
21外星人 et
22为什么 why
2320岁 20 years old
24我的大脑 My brain
25谁在乎你 你在乎自己 who care youyou care you!
26我进步了 I've progressed
2718岁 18 years old
28将来 Future
29自习室 Study in the classroom
30做一些事情 Do something
31妈妈 mom
32可怕的晚上2 Thrill night 2
33我喜欢鼓音 i like drum
34太阳升起 sun rise
35可怕的晚上 Thrill night
3617岁 17 years old
39amazing (version of drum)
40amazing(pure of piano)
41每次都感觉是最后一次 (鼓音版本)every time feel last one
42你说过(鼓音版本)you said (version of drum)
43what should i believe in this world?
45是我么 manmum
46每次都感觉是最后一次 evey time feel last one
47一个女生 a person
48动画片背景乐 another song for my cartoon
50你说过 you said(pure)
51安全感(鼓音版本 )sense of security version of drum
52我不可能一直不改变i won't never change
53动画片主题曲 theme song of my cartoon
54安全感 sense of security
55最后的希望 last hope
56跑步 run
57跑步 run
58妹妹2 little sister 2
59想你 MISS U
6018岁 18 years old
61为什么 Why
1为什么 Why
218岁 18 years old
326 years old
4想你 MISS U
5妹妹2 little sister 2
6跑步 run
7跑步 run
8最后的希望 last hope
9安全感 sense of security
10动画片主题曲 theme song of my cartoon