Dear Mr.Wilde, I saw a little bird on my way home.There were love wounds on her.I'm sure God wants her to sing for evermore in his garden of Paradise. I don't know if she's a nightingale,and I don't know if there's a little boy in her dream.
是茹毛饮血时的兽困 是地火小心地慰问 是茶壶盖住纸鹤身 白日点亮北极星的灯
学者说故事若按总分 老套又失水准,而你狡辩情深 你像半路出家的恋人 情话结结巴巴,拥抱不懂偷个吻
爱是陨星经过地平线 仍把神的慈悲献给灾难 花香盈在小矮人鼻端 老日晷仪只为你我旋转
孩子的梦载孤燕翅膀 芦苇吻羽尖划过水的漪漾 火箭正聆听青蛙歌唱 抬头看见烟花,谓永恒的朝阳
若诗人扼杀三天世界 你愿我用推车换你罪孽 脖颈上绳索圈成蝴蝶 落在巨人手背开出花园
酿泉用水晶铸造喜杯 水仙羞愧藏尾,番莲偷尝成醉 少年国王牧笛声纡回 樱草蹑足随,紧黏影子的迹轨
I still took a red rose and put it beside her. I think whether she's a nightingale or not, every bird needs a rose to make the prince of the dream happy.
Dear Mr.Wilde, I saw a little bird on my way home.There were love wounds on her.I'm sure God wants her to sing for evermore in his garden of Paradise. I don't know if she's a nightingale,and I don't know if there's a little boy in her dream.
是茹毛饮血时的兽困 是地火小心地慰问 是茶壶盖住纸鹤身 白日点亮北极星的灯
学者说故事若按总分 老套又失水准,而你狡辩情深 你像半路出家的恋人 情话结结巴巴,拥抱不懂偷个吻
爱是陨星经过地平线 仍把神的慈悲献给灾难 花香盈在小矮人鼻端 老日晷仪只为你我旋转
孩子的梦载孤燕翅膀 芦苇吻羽尖划过水的漪漾 火箭正聆听青蛙歌唱 抬头看见烟花,谓永恒的朝阳
若诗人扼杀三天世界 你愿我用推车换你罪孽 脖颈上绳索圈成蝴蝶 落在巨人手背开出花园
酿泉用水晶铸造喜杯 水仙羞愧藏尾,番莲偷尝成醉 少年国王牧笛声纡回 樱草蹑足随,紧黏影子的迹轨
I still took a red rose and put it beside her. I think whether she's a nightingale or not, every bird needs a rose to make the prince of the dream happy.