看看平常修行都在几百倍的重力 入侵你的安逸给你5秒逃离这里 lil kid 短笛克林都爱的我是你克星
ho I got the dragon ball 桀骜的表情我清楚I got the **** 摧毁那美克星 我们步伐轻盈 一个闪避攻击我送你归西 they call goku yeah we drop da **** 没有龙珠 一样能**** da **** 别再指手划脚战力不到五的渣渣 这是super saiya jin
swag! shinning like my super saiyan swag! **** em spit super saiyan flame yoga flame I hot like saiyan ho watch out dragon ball in ur pocket yo
swag! shinning like my super saiyan swag! **** em spit super saiyan flame yoga flame I hot like saiyan ho watch out dragon ball in ur pocket yo
看看平常修行都在几百倍的重力 入侵你的安逸给你5秒逃离这里 lil kid 短笛克林都爱的我是你克星
ho I got the dragon ball 桀骜的表情我清楚I got the **** 摧毁那美克星 我们步伐轻盈 一个闪避攻击我送你归西 they call goku yeah we drop da **** 没有龙珠 一样能**** da **** 别再指手划脚战力不到五的渣渣 这是super saiya jin
swag! shinning like my super saiyan swag! **** em spit super saiyan flame yoga flame I hot like saiyan ho watch out dragon ball in ur pocket yo
swag! shinning like my super saiyan swag! **** em spit super saiyan flame yoga flame I hot like saiyan ho watch out dragon ball in ur pocket yo