if something makes you sad it doesn't matter forget it look forward the future To believe it will be wonderful it's now time to open you heart waiting for happiness to come take it easy
相信有一天你会放得开 是时候和过去Say goodbye 相信有一天你就会了解 原来的你是否傻得可爱 相信有一天你就会明白 有些事早应该见怪不怪 相信有一天你不必再等待 会遇见你的Mr. right
if something makes you sad it doesn't matter forget it look forward the future To believe it will be wonderful it's now time to open you heart waiting for happiness to come take it easy
相信有一天你会放得开 是时候和过去Say goodbye 相信有一天你就会了解 原来的你是否傻得可爱 相信有一天你就会明白 有些事早应该见怪不怪 相信有一天你不必再等待 会遇见你的Mr. right