HOOK When I was young, I wanted to be anybody but myself. i just wanna run, a way from the trouble that i can't solve。 下课铃声在耳中像阵阵尖叫, 躲在哪个角落才能不被找到 If god is real, why he leave me in the burning hell.
HOOK When I was young, I wanted to be anybody but myself. i just wanna run, a way from the trouble that i can't solve。 下课铃声在耳中像阵阵尖叫, 躲在哪个角落才能不被找到 If god is real, why he leave me in the burning hell.
[00:00.000] 作词 : Dante(但丁) [00:01.000] 作曲 : Mozzie [00:12.826]Verse 1 [00:17.973]当我脱下校服擦着身上泥泞的脚印, [00:21.408]浴室镜子里面脸上三四块淤青。 [00:25.399]发颤的拳头松开又不自禁握紧。 [00:29.401]还要担心怎么编造理由爸妈才会相信。 [00:32.832]我害怕他们站在门口叫我放学别走。。 [00:36.832]我不知道他们为什么对我挥舞着拳脚和手肘。 [00:40.259]我恨我的手在该还手时却只会颤抖。 [00:43.967]我的认错只换来耳光和脏话让我低头。 [00:47.103]同学里有人视若无睹有人叫好鼓掌, [00:51.096]有人站在一旁观望怕鼻血溅在身上。 [00:54.783]老师不痛不痒地说一个巴掌拍不响 [00:58.490]反正他只在乎年终能不能评级得奖。 [01:01.914]他们不喜欢我的样子暴力所以可以随时开始。 [01:06.479]他们在校长面前道歉转身却竖起中指。 [01:09.613]我永远不会忘记他们恶心的笑脸多么无耻。 [01:13.001]什么样的噩梦每天重播都不会停止。 [01:13.281] [01:14.129]HOOK [01:15.568]When I was young, [01:20.989]I wanted to be anybody but myself. [01:22.701]i just wanna run, [01:28.404]a way from the trouble that i can't solve。 [01:32.112]下课铃声在耳中像阵阵尖叫, [01:35.820]躲在哪个角落才能不被找到 [01:41.806]If god is real, why he leave me in the burning hell. [01:42.089] [01:42.661]Verse 2 [01:45.513]当我bang地一个耳光甩在他的脸上, [01:50.363]眼镜挂在他的鼻梁缩着脖子不敢抵抗。 [01:53.783]同学们畏惧的眼光让我感觉很爽。 [01:57.782]明天会有更多钱花根本不用去抢。 [02:01.205]黑板上公式在我眼里就像凌乱的天书, [02:04.914]但我心情不好就能让学霸抱头痛哭。 [02:08.910]哪怕当着校长的面我会暂时低头认输。 [02:12.333]但他明天就会在饭盒里看到蜘蛛。 [02:16.897]掀开冰冷的锅盖,加热隔夜的饭菜。 [02:20.037]闻到香水味我就知道妈妈今晚不在。 [02:23.451]老爸借着酒精逃避别人上门讨债。 [02:27.160]清醒起来来看到我的成绩立刻挥起皮带。 [02:31.162]寒风里的万家灯火显得格外温暖, [02:34.585]满月下拖长的影子塞满了孤单。 [02:38.575]几个烟圈飘向夜空所有灾难能否冲淡, [02:41.424]也许闭眼走到下个路口一切都会消散。 [02:41.710] [02:41.995]HOOK [02:45.140]When I was young, [02:50.277]I wanted to be anybody but myself. [02:52.275]i just wanna run, [02:57.131]a way from the trouble that i can't solve。 [03:00.838]下课铃声在耳中像阵阵尖叫, [03:03.987]躲在哪个角落才能不被找到 [03:11.986]If god is real, why he leave me in the burning hell.