你是否看中我与众不同能够为你所用 来唯命是从去你侬我侬还要奋战英勇 Cause I was Reborn Reborn Cause I was Reborn Reborn
痛 恶化流脓 撕着扯着 钻心痛 碰 冷静从容 忍着憋着 让人碰 你是否看中我与众不同能够为你所用 来唯命是从去你侬我侬还要奋战英勇 Cause I was Reborn Reborn Cause I was Reborn Reborn
(Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you. For everyone who asks receives; he who seeks finds; and to him who knocks, the door will be opened. My son,Tngahook) (I'm here)
你是否看中我与众不同能够为你所用 来唯命是从去你侬我侬还要奋战英勇 Cause I was Reborn Reborn Cause I was Reborn Reborn
你是否看中我与众不同能够为你所用 来唯命是从去你侬我侬还要奋战英勇 Cause I was Reborn Reborn Cause I was Reborn Reborn
痛 恶化流脓 撕着扯着 钻心痛 碰 冷静从容 忍着憋着 让人碰 你是否看中我与众不同能够为你所用 来唯命是从去你侬我侬还要奋战英勇 Cause I was Reborn Reborn Cause I was Reborn Reborn
(Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you. For everyone who asks receives; he who seeks finds; and to him who knocks, the door will be opened. My son,Tngahook) (I'm here)
你是否看中我与众不同能够为你所用 来唯命是从去你侬我侬还要奋战英勇 Cause I was Reborn Reborn Cause I was Reborn Reborn