作词 : 华罗丹、魏云清 作曲 : 华罗丹、魏云清 It's your eyes 它是你导盲犬 it's your head 它是你的全部智商 It's your mouth 它是你的出口 it's your tongue 它是你的谎言 It's your ear 它也欺骗你 it's your ear wax 它把你耳朵塞满垃圾 It's your gut 它是你的心腹之患 it's your stomach 它是你的美团、饿了么、大众点评 It's womb 它是你的母亲 it's your sperm 它是你欢愉后的亿万次颤抖 Living with it 用它生 用它死 Living with it 用它来 用它去 Living with it 用它醒 用它睡 Living with it 用它爱 用它恨
It's your pain 它是你的切肤之痛 it's your happiness 他是你的欣喜若狂 It's your drink 它是一场醉生梦死 it's your Hamberg 它就是让你折腰的那最后五斗米 It's your friend 它是你的狐朋狗友 it's your boss 它让你俯首称臣 It's your lover 它是你的今生挚爱 it's your child 它是你的熊孩子 It's your picture 它是你的写照 it's your privacy 它是你敌人手中的定时炸弹 it's your property 它是你全部的身家性命
It's your hand 它是你的左膀右臂 it's your feet 它带你周游世界 it's the everything you need 它是万能的主 Put you up,put you down 让你上上下下 from the sky to the ground 让你欲仙欲死 Make you laugh,make u cry 让你笑着喊不要不要 remember never to be shy 记住厚颜无耻才是生存之道 Hide your past wear a mask 抹掉过去变成意淫中的自己 looks like a professor Say something you don't know 像砖家一样传授连自己都不信的东西 always there'll be some idiot to follow 但总有白痴会深信不疑 Every girl you meet, every time you cheat,all the booming tree , all the fantasy, 每个你约过的和你所欺骗的、所有的自我膨胀和吹过的牛逼 will finally crash into piece 都会证明:出来混迟早是要还的……
Living with it 用它生 用它死 Living with it 用它来 用它去 Living with it 用它醒 用它睡 Living with it 用它爱 用它恨 Living with it 用它开始 用它结束 Living with it 用它活着 用它堕落 Living with it 用它庸碌 用它疯狂 Living with it 用它直播 做爱做的事
作词 : 华罗丹、魏云清 作曲 : 华罗丹、魏云清 It's your eyes 它是你导盲犬 it's your head 它是你的全部智商 It's your mouth 它是你的出口 it's your tongue 它是你的谎言 It's your ear 它也欺骗你 it's your ear wax 它把你耳朵塞满垃圾 It's your gut 它是你的心腹之患 it's your stomach 它是你的美团、饿了么、大众点评 It's womb 它是你的母亲 it's your sperm 它是你欢愉后的亿万次颤抖 Living with it 用它生 用它死 Living with it 用它来 用它去 Living with it 用它醒 用它睡 Living with it 用它爱 用它恨
It's your pain 它是你的切肤之痛 it's your happiness 他是你的欣喜若狂 It's your drink 它是一场醉生梦死 it's your Hamberg 它就是让你折腰的那最后五斗米 It's your friend 它是你的狐朋狗友 it's your boss 它让你俯首称臣 It's your lover 它是你的今生挚爱 it's your child 它是你的熊孩子 It's your picture 它是你的写照 it's your privacy 它是你敌人手中的定时炸弹 it's your property 它是你全部的身家性命
It's your hand 它是你的左膀右臂 it's your feet 它带你周游世界 it's the everything you need 它是万能的主 Put you up,put you down 让你上上下下 from the sky to the ground 让你欲仙欲死 Make you laugh,make u cry 让你笑着喊不要不要 remember never to be shy 记住厚颜无耻才是生存之道 Hide your past wear a mask 抹掉过去变成意淫中的自己 looks like a professor Say something you don't know 像砖家一样传授连自己都不信的东西 always there'll be some idiot to follow 但总有白痴会深信不疑 Every girl you meet, every time you cheat,all the booming tree , all the fantasy, 每个你约过的和你所欺骗的、所有的自我膨胀和吹过的牛逼 will finally crash into piece 都会证明:出来混迟早是要还的……
Living with it 用它生 用它死 Living with it 用它来 用它去 Living with it 用它醒 用它睡 Living with it 用它爱 用它恨 Living with it 用它开始 用它结束 Living with it 用它活着 用它堕落 Living with it 用它庸碌 用它疯狂 Living with it 用它直播 做爱做的事