1Skunk Hollow Blues (10-14-39)
2Your Love Has Faded (10-14-39)
3I Know What You Do (10-14-39)
4Tootin' Though The Roof (10-14-39)
5Weely (A Portrait Of Billy Strayhorn) (10-14-39)
6Tired Socks (10-14-39)
7Grievin' (10-14-39)
8I Never Felt This Way Before (10-14-39)
9Dream Blues (09-01-39)
10Little Posey (10-14-39)
11Truly Wonderful (09-01-39)
12Moon Romance (09-01-39)
13Grievin' (08-28-39)
14The Rabbit's Jump (09-01-39)
15Bouncing Buoyancy (08-28-39)
16The Sergeant Was Shy (08-28-39)
17Top And Bottom (06-22-39)
18Black Beauty (06-22-39)
19Night Song (06-22-39)
20Blues A-Poppin' (06-22-39)
21You Can Count On Me (06-12-39)
22A Lonely Co-Ed (06-12-39)
23In A Mizz (06-12-39)
24I'm Checkin' Out, Goo'm Bye (06-12-39)
Feeling of Jazz [Black Lion]
Duke Ellington & John Coltrane
Classic Ellington
Plays Harlem
Hits The Rhythm
Plays Colors
1Limbo Jazz
2Jingle Bells
3I Got It Bad And That Ain't Good
4Anatomy Of A Murder
5Satin Doll
6Anatomy of A Murder (Anatomy of A Murder)
7Jump for Joy
8The Feeling of Jazz
9Black and Than Fantasy