1Black Beauty
2Jack the Bear
3Stompy Jones
5I'm Slapping 7e Avenue...
8At a Roadside Dinner
9Love You Madly
10The Gal from Joe's
11Harlem Speaks
12A Slip of the Lip
13Ring Dem Bells
14One O'clock Jump
15The Mooche
16Congo Brava
17Never No Lament
18Take the Train
20Three Little Words
Feeling of Jazz [Black Lion]
Duke Ellington & John Coltrane
Classic Ellington
Plays Harlem
Hits The Rhythm
Plays Colors
1Limbo Jazz
2Jingle Bells
3I Got It Bad And That Ain't Good
4Anatomy Of A Murder
5Satin Doll
6Anatomy of A Murder (Anatomy of A Murder)
7Jump for Joy
8The Feeling of Jazz
9Black and Than Fantasy