1Deep Blues
2Diminuendo and Crescendo in Blue
4Wailing 'Bout
5Slow Blues Ensemble
6Happy Reunion (Take No.2)
7The Riff
9Blues a La Willie Cook
10Happy Reunion (Take No.1)
11I Cover the Waterfront
12Three Trumps (Aka Spacemen)
13Way Back Blues
14Rubber Bottom
15Prelude to a Kiss (Bonus Track)
16Miss Lucy (Bonus Track)
17March 19th Blues (Bonus Track)
18Where's the Music?
19Play the Blues and Go
20Circle of Fours
21In a Mellow Tone (Take No.1)
22In a Mellow Tone (Take No.2)
Feeling of Jazz [Black Lion]
Duke Ellington & John Coltrane
Classic Ellington
Plays Harlem
Hits The Rhythm
Plays Colors
1Limbo Jazz
2Jingle Bells
3I Got It Bad And That Ain't Good
4Anatomy Of A Murder
5Satin Doll
6Anatomy of A Murder (Anatomy of A Murder)
7Jump for Joy
8The Feeling of Jazz
9Black and Than Fantasy