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  • 作词 : ZIrS
    作曲 : J-1N/ZIRS
    Hold the breath drunk in rays
    屏住呼吸 沉醉于灯红酒绿
    We gon dance all night without any break
    我们整夜起舞 不眠不休
    Seize the day being grace
    抓住时光 尽情享乐
    Oh I got speaker loud in silent days
    沉默的日子里 音乐不停播放
    Players never save the play
    Nevermind we're never gonna stay
    那又如何 生命终会结束
    Blamers try to hide the blame
    Take it slow y'all don't need to pray
    慢慢来 无需忧虑

    know it’s just for a little while when you say you’ll wait
    当你说你会等 但我知道你不会等太久
    You’re just lonely as I did doesn’t worth 40 minutes
    你不过和我一样孤独 所以不值得奔波四十分钟只为见我
    Nicotine burning as cigarette shining
    100 miles away from my city you’re sleeping
    We don’t waste anything we always take it easy
    我们若即若离 毫无负担
    Controlling the spark as the mobilephone ringing
    每当电话响起 互相抑制心中的火花
    Faire enough I got it everyone’s totally phucked up
    没关系 我也理解大家的生活各有苦痛
    Ugly thoughts in me that I’ll never gonna trust
    我内心也有丑恶 所以再也不给予别人信任
    Vapor with vodka beats of jazz hip-hop
    电子烟 伏特加 再加上爵士嘻哈
    Say u miss her too much wait for nine years and a half
    你说对她太过思念 九年半都无法忘怀
    Boys attend the party play it cool and drop it
    我也遇到许多男孩 他们来了又走 纵情欢乐
    I don't feel the same cuz I stop it as I wish
    我不懂你的专一 因为我什么都能放下
    Every talk we have you take it as exam
    Mi-serable past I have to treat it like a game
    Lies within confession hate myself for being lame
    一边说谎 一边忏悔 我也讨厌自己的懦弱
    Sorry I like you but told you I can’t
    所以对不起 喜欢你也无法敞开心扉

    Hold the breath drunk in rays
    屏住呼吸 沉醉于灯红酒绿
    We gon dance all night without any break
    我们整夜起舞 不眠不休
    Seize the day being grace
    抓住时光 尽情享乐
    Oh I got speaker loud in silent days
    沉默的日子里 音乐不停播放
    Players never save the play
    Nevermind we're never gonna stay
    那又如何 生命终会结束
    Blamers try to hide the blame
    Take it slow y'all don't need to pray
    慢慢来 无需忧虑

    How bad can a good girl get when she came with a ted but lost it in the end
    好女孩带着天真成长 大多收获了糟糕的结局
    What goes around comes around while we're young and dumb
    年少轻狂 种因得果
    No hesitate or waver to switch on the bomb
    不会犹豫 不计后果
    Looking for a side forget to figure out our mind
    世人寻寻觅觅 却忘了认清真正的自己
    Order a lover without love a fighter without fight
    有爱人却没有爱存在 试图为之努力却也徒劳
    Think I only like people when I'm no-t with
    Control my tem-perature like a phuckin air condition
    我就像空调般智能控温 感受冷淡就及时放下
    Step in your jungle step in your mind
    踏足你的世界 你的思想
    Step in your gamble I have to try
    你的赌局 我不得不试
    Inappropriate people Inappropriate hi
    不合时宜的人 不合时宜的hi
    Inappropriate ego binds me so tight
    I’m a hunter I hunt for fun
    Not a skiller you know skills are junk
    却不玩套路 那些都是垃圾
    Saw your braveness your weakness you were fearless you were hopeless
    目睹你的勇敢 你的脆弱 你的无畏 你的绝望
    You hanged up the call after sensed my coldness
    感受到我的冷漠 你还是挂断了电话
  • 作词 : ZIrS
    作曲 : J-1N/ZIRS
    Hold the breath drunk in rays
    屏住呼吸 沉醉于灯红酒绿
    We gon dance all night without any break
    我们整夜起舞 不眠不休
    Seize the day being grace
    抓住时光 尽情享乐
    Oh I got speaker loud in silent days
    沉默的日子里 音乐不停播放
    Players never save the play
    Nevermind we're never gonna stay
    那又如何 生命终会结束
    Blamers try to hide the blame
    Take it slow y'all don't need to pray
    慢慢来 无需忧虑

    know it’s just for a little while when you say you’ll wait
    当你说你会等 但我知道你不会等太久
    You’re just lonely as I did doesn’t worth 40 minutes
    你不过和我一样孤独 所以不值得奔波四十分钟只为见我
    Nicotine burning as cigarette shining
    100 miles away from my city you’re sleeping
    We don’t waste anything we always take it easy
    我们若即若离 毫无负担
    Controlling the spark as the mobilephone ringing
    每当电话响起 互相抑制心中的火花
    Faire enough I got it everyone’s totally phucked up
    没关系 我也理解大家的生活各有苦痛
    Ugly thoughts in me that I’ll never gonna trust
    我内心也有丑恶 所以再也不给予别人信任
    Vapor with vodka beats of jazz hip-hop
    电子烟 伏特加 再加上爵士嘻哈
    Say u miss her too much wait for nine years and a half
    你说对她太过思念 九年半都无法忘怀
    Boys attend the party play it cool and drop it
    我也遇到许多男孩 他们来了又走 纵情欢乐
    I don't feel the same cuz I stop it as I wish
    我不懂你的专一 因为我什么都能放下
    Every talk we have you take it as exam
    Mi-serable past I have to treat it like a game
    Lies within confession hate myself for being lame
    一边说谎 一边忏悔 我也讨厌自己的懦弱
    Sorry I like you but told you I can’t
    所以对不起 喜欢你也无法敞开心扉

    Hold the breath drunk in rays
    屏住呼吸 沉醉于灯红酒绿
    We gon dance all night without any break
    我们整夜起舞 不眠不休
    Seize the day being grace
    抓住时光 尽情享乐
    Oh I got speaker loud in silent days
    沉默的日子里 音乐不停播放
    Players never save the play
    Nevermind we're never gonna stay
    那又如何 生命终会结束
    Blamers try to hide the blame
    Take it slow y'all don't need to pray
    慢慢来 无需忧虑

    How bad can a good girl get when she came with a ted but lost it in the end
    好女孩带着天真成长 大多收获了糟糕的结局
    What goes around comes around while we're young and dumb
    年少轻狂 种因得果
    No hesitate or waver to switch on the bomb
    不会犹豫 不计后果
    Looking for a side forget to figure out our mind
    世人寻寻觅觅 却忘了认清真正的自己
    Order a lover without love a fighter without fight
    有爱人却没有爱存在 试图为之努力却也徒劳
    Think I only like people when I'm no-t with
    Control my tem-perature like a phuckin air condition
    我就像空调般智能控温 感受冷淡就及时放下
    Step in your jungle step in your mind
    踏足你的世界 你的思想
    Step in your gamble I have to try
    你的赌局 我不得不试
    Inappropriate people Inappropriate hi
    不合时宜的人 不合时宜的hi
    Inappropriate ego binds me so tight
    I’m a hunter I hunt for fun
    Not a skiller you know skills are junk
    却不玩套路 那些都是垃圾
    Saw your braveness your weakness you were fearless you were hopeless
    目睹你的勇敢 你的脆弱 你的无畏 你的绝望
    You hanged up the call after sensed my coldness
    感受到我的冷漠 你还是挂断了电话