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Up to Something

Up to Something专辑

  • 作词 : haze/Igger
    作曲 : Metro Boomin/haze
    Usually the fight will go on/通常和你的生活是无休止的打斗
    We move on/我们也在厌恶的情绪里互相依赖
    Maybe she’s up to something/她在谋划着什么
    I see her showin off weapons/我看到她炫耀着冰冷的器械
    Now all the candles elighten/点燃了所有的蜡烛
    Maybe she’s up to something/她在谋划着什么
    Maybe she’s up to something/她在谋划着什么
    You are the precious one to be/你是我不忍离弃的至宝
    You the sharpest one to eat/你是我吞下最锋利的刀锋
    Make this melody go bloody/让这旋律变得血腥
    All the damage so ***y/你留下的残骸妖艳欲滴
    Maybe she’s up to something/她在谋划着什么
    Maybe she’s up to something/她在谋划着什么
    I don’t have damn no faith of this moment grabbing your
    Tie me on the toilet whip on me and sink my head/把我绑在马桶上抽打我 把我的头摁到水里
    Fear no more,close my eyes fo sho/我不会再恐惧 顺服的闭上眼睛
    It’s a beautiful advanture/就当这是场奇妙的冒险
    Follow your medical care,been prisoned for days/听从你的“药物治疗计划” 我被你囚禁了不知多久
    No food ain’t no water/没有食物 也没有水喝
    In the way you love me/用你爱我的方式
    I’m an homesick animal/我是个思乡心切的野兽
    Under blade of loving/被爱的利刃切割
    Don’t tell them polices I’ve bleedin in your basement/别告诉警察我正在你的地下室血流不止
    Ponison me to heaven cut me in a rhthem/给我下毒让我上天堂吧 跟着旋律将我肢解
    Maybe she’s up to something/她在谋划着什么
    I see her showin off weapons/我看到她炫耀着冰冷的器械
    Now all the candles elighten/点燃了所有的蜡烛
    Maybe she’s up to something/她在谋划着什么
    Maybe she’s up to something/她在谋划着什么
    You both f***king crazy/你们都疯了吧
    What’s the matter/怎么了
    This is what you called prove of love/这就是你说的爱的证明吗
    Turning me into a freak /把我变成一个怪胎
    One of us/我们当中的一个
    It’s just a game/这只不过是个游戏
    Its just a game/这是个游戏而已
    Bit2h and sadist/真是个表子 真是个虐待狂
    Isabel,can you think about it/伊莎贝尔,你能好好想想这件事吗
    Bit2h and sadist/表子和虐待狂
    I don’t have damn no faith of this moment grabbing your /我不敢在这时紧握你的手
    Tie me on the toilet whip on me and sink my head/把我绑在马桶上抽打我 把我的头摁到水里
    Fear no more,close my eyes fo sho/我不会再恐惧 顺服的闭上眼睛
    It’s a beautiful advanture/就当这是场奇妙的冒险
    Follow your medical care,been prisoned for days/听从你的“药物治疗计划” 我被你囚禁了不知多久
    No food ain’t no water/没有食物 也没有水喝
    Why risking all my life to feed on killin/为什么要将我的人生消耗在无尽的杀戮上
    Why wasting all my time to fiil your scheming/为什么要花光我的时间满足你邪恶的欲望
    Why dancing on the edge of void and fading/为什么要在空虚和消逝的边缘起舞
    It’s hard to hold ur hands baby im so helpless/宝贝,为什么抓住你的手这样难,我好无助
    We got the whole RCT strapped on this/我们和整个石家庄一起被感情绑架
    Riding the motor/驾驶着机车飞驰
    YOLO the motto /快意人生是座右铭
    Down on the road and/在公路上一往无前
    Feeling like pope/这感觉如同升天
    Who’s that fellow who hop on bike/那天与你借车前去兜风的人是谁
    Maybe she cheat on me/也许她背叛了我
    Maybe I am right/也许我的想法是对的
    Pieces fall apart/机车的零件四处散落
    I wish I pull up/我希望我那时能刹住
    ICU you don’t  come /在重症监护室你却没有来探望
    Yeah I see u not around ay/那时候你在哪里
    Dream is cold/昏迷下梦境变得冰冷
    I feel everything /我感知到周围的一切
    Kins were talking and I felt I am dying/亲戚们在四周窃窃私语 我觉得我快要死了
    Valhalla is where the righteous are led /我的灵魂不配进入瓦哈拉大教堂这圣洁之地
    Ride over 120 (one twenty) hurt in the end/飙上最高限速直到粉身碎骨
    Think she’ll pray for me to the end live for me/我希望她能为我祈祷直到最后继续替我活着
    buried in hedonic life on the reprobate/但她此时已埋葬于纸醉金迷 生活被那些底层的渣滓所污染
    Cross on neck of me/我如鲠在喉
    Yeah I’m on the show with nobody back up for me/独唱落幕 罄竹难书
  • [00:00.000] 作词 : haze/Igger
    [00:00.035] 作曲 : Metro Boomin/haze
    [00:01.47]Usually the fight will go on/通常和你的生活是无休止的打斗
    [00:03.01]We move on/我们也在厌恶的情绪里互相依赖
    [00:15.84]Maybe she’s up to something/她在谋划着什么
    [00:20.01]I see her showin off weapons/我看到她炫耀着冰冷的器械
    [00:22.03]Now all the candles elighten/点燃了所有的蜡烛
    [00:24.28]Maybe she’s up to something/她在谋划着什么
    [00:28.39]Maybe she’s up to something/她在谋划着什么
    [00:32.83]You are the precious one to be/你是我不忍离弃的至宝
    [00:34.42]You the sharpest one to eat/你是我吞下最锋利的刀锋
    [00:36.83]Make this melody go bloody/让这旋律变得血腥
    [00:38.44]All the damage so ***y/你留下的残骸妖艳欲滴
    [00:41.00]Maybe she’s up to something/她在谋划着什么
    [00:45.34]Maybe she’s up to something/她在谋划着什么
    [00:50.44]I don’t have damn no faith of this moment grabbing your
    [00:54.56]Tie me on the toilet whip on me and sink my head/把我绑在马桶上抽打我 把我的头摁到水里
    [00:58.73]Fear no more,close my eyes fo sho/我不会再恐惧 顺服的闭上眼睛
    [01:01.32]It’s a beautiful advanture/就当这是场奇妙的冒险
    [01:02.89]Follow your medical care,been prisoned for days/听从你的“药物治疗计划” 我被你囚禁了不知多久
    [01:06.22]No food ain’t no water/没有食物 也没有水喝
    [01:07.43]In the way you love me/用你爱我的方式
    [01:10.95]I’m an homesick animal/我是个思乡心切的野兽
    [01:13.01]Under blade of loving/被爱的利刃切割
    [01:15.73]Don’t tell them polices I’ve bleedin in your basement/别告诉警察我正在你的地下室血流不止
    [01:19.29]Ponison me to heaven cut me in a rhthem/给我下毒让我上天堂吧 跟着旋律将我肢解
    [01:23.50]Maybe she’s up to something/她在谋划着什么
    [01:27.41]I see her showin off weapons/我看到她炫耀着冰冷的器械
    [01:28.97]Now all the candles elighten/点燃了所有的蜡烛
    [01:31.60]Maybe she’s up to something/她在谋划着什么
    [01:35.85]Maybe she’s up to something/她在谋划着什么
    [01:41.97]You both f***king crazy/你们都疯了吧
    [01:43.96]What’s the matter/怎么了
    [01:45.46]This is what you called prove of love/这就是你说的爱的证明吗
    [01:47.33]Turning me into a freak /把我变成一个怪胎
    [01:48.72]One of us/我们当中的一个
    [01:49.49]It’s just a game/这只不过是个游戏
    [01:50.88]Its just a game/这是个游戏而已
    [01:52.79]Bit2h and sadist/真是个表子 真是个虐待狂
    [01:54.60]Isabel,can you think about it/伊莎贝尔,你能好好想想这件事吗
    [01:56.20]Bit2h and sadist/表子和虐待狂
    [01:57.95]I don’t have damn no faith of this moment grabbing your /我不敢在这时紧握你的手
    [02:00.90]Tie me on the toilet whip on me and sink my head/把我绑在马桶上抽打我 把我的头摁到水里
    [02:04.91]Fear no more,close my eyes fo sho/我不会再恐惧 顺服的闭上眼睛
    [02:08.21]It’s a beautiful advanture/就当这是场奇妙的冒险
    [02:09.61]Follow your medical care,been prisoned for days/听从你的“药物治疗计划” 我被你囚禁了不知多久
    [02:12.78]No food ain’t no water/没有食物 也没有水喝
    [02:31.74]Why risking all my life to feed on killin/为什么要将我的人生消耗在无尽的杀戮上
    [02:34.24]Why wasting all my time to fiil your scheming/为什么要花光我的时间满足你邪恶的欲望
    [02:39.51]Why dancing on the edge of void and fading/为什么要在空虚和消逝的边缘起舞
    [02:43.71]It’s hard to hold ur hands baby im so helpless/宝贝,为什么抓住你的手这样难,我好无助
    [03:03.91]We got the whole RCT strapped on this/我们和整个石家庄一起被感情绑架
    [03:05.91]Riding the motor/驾驶着机车飞驰
    [03:06.77]YOLO the motto /快意人生是座右铭
    [03:07.32]Down on the road and/在公路上一往无前
    [03:08.43]Feeling like pope/这感觉如同升天
    [03:08.97]Who’s that fellow who hop on bike/那天与你借车前去兜风的人是谁
    [03:10.83]Maybe she cheat on me/也许她背叛了我
    [03:11.99]Maybe I am right/也许我的想法是对的
    [03:13.18]Pieces fall apart/机车的零件四处散落
    [03:13.97]I wish I pull up/我希望我那时能刹住
    [03:16.73]ICU you don’t  come /在重症监护室你却没有来探望
    [03:18.99]Yeah I see u not around ay/那时候你在哪里
    [03:21.14]Dream is cold/昏迷下梦境变得冰冷
    [03:21.74]I feel everything /我感知到周围的一切
    [03:22.44]Kins were talking and I felt I am dying/亲戚们在四周窃窃私语 我觉得我快要死了
    [03:24.40]Valhalla is where the righteous are led /我的灵魂不配进入瓦哈拉大教堂这圣洁之地
    [03:28.09]Ride over 120 (one twenty) hurt in the end/飙上最高限速直到粉身碎骨
    [03:30.11]Think she’ll pray for me to the end live for me/我希望她能为我祈祷直到最后继续替我活着
    [03:32.41]buried in hedonic life on the reprobate/但她此时已埋葬于纸醉金迷 生活被那些底层的渣滓所污染
    [03:33.52]Cross on neck of me/我如鲠在喉
    [03:34.37]Yeah I’m on the show with nobody back up for me/独唱落幕 罄竹难书