I keep searching what's inside 我从来就弄不懂 when I look into your eyes 你眼睛里究竟藏着什么 I'll be asking all the time 无休止追问着 Something trivial in my head's revolving with your profile 你的侧影和无关紧要的细节旋转在脑中 how could I waive to say goodbye 我怎么能就此停下来告别
弯弯的月亮上面有什么 平静的湖水能带来什么 身旁的人们在谈论什么 明天的早餐该吃些什么
当我想起那天离别的瞬间 就像是梦中的一切 在每一个深夜记忆里浮现 是我们最美的画面
I've been singing in the night 我在夜里唱着歌 cos I can't recognize getting far from your island 却没意识到离你的岛屿越来越远了 One more chance to escape 还剩一个逃跑的机会 I don't give up should I give up now 不想放弃该放弃吗 Remain afraid to say goodbye 懦弱得不敢告别
Say goodbye Don't wanna say goodbye ...
I kept searching what's inside 我始终弄不懂 when I looked into your eyes 你眼睛里的藏起来的是什么 I've been asking since you sighed 无休止追问着
Remember the time with you 你在的时候 while moonlight shine cold, rivers run still 月光清冷 河水也静止了 I cease my dream to say goodbye 走吧 不要再做白日梦了 say goodbye 再见
(Seek me find me oh look at me) 来找我 找到我 看着我 (My lungs can hardly take oxygen in 这多巴胺让人不能呼吸了)
I keep searching what's inside 我从来就弄不懂 when I look into your eyes 你眼睛里究竟藏着什么 I'll be asking all the time 无休止追问着 Something trivial in my head's revolving with your profile 你的侧影和无关紧要的细节旋转在脑中 how could I waive to say goodbye 我怎么能就此停下来告别
弯弯的月亮上面有什么 平静的湖水能带来什么 身旁的人们在谈论什么 明天的早餐该吃些什么
当我想起那天离别的瞬间 就像是梦中的一切 在每一个深夜记忆里浮现 是我们最美的画面
I've been singing in the night 我在夜里唱着歌 cos I can't recognize getting far from your island 却没意识到离你的岛屿越来越远了 One more chance to escape 还剩一个逃跑的机会 I don't give up should I give up now 不想放弃该放弃吗 Remain afraid to say goodbye 懦弱得不敢告别
Say goodbye Don't wanna say goodbye ...
I kept searching what's inside 我始终弄不懂 when I looked into your eyes 你眼睛里的藏起来的是什么 I've been asking since you sighed 无休止追问着
Remember the time with you 你在的时候 while moonlight shine cold, rivers run still 月光清冷 河水也静止了 I cease my dream to say goodbye 走吧 不要再做白日梦了 say goodbye 再见
(Seek me find me oh look at me) 来找我 找到我 看着我 (My lungs can hardly take oxygen in 这多巴胺让人不能呼吸了)