作词 : 该隐 作曲 : $CC731 这首歌献给20岁的自己 你很年轻但是缺了一点志气 需要别人护航但已不再幼稚 喜欢活在夜晚但你叫做天明 记得想要就去做不要再继续懒惰 切勿看着事情发生再去等待结果 记得事与愿违不再埋怨孰对孰错 你的肩膀还很结实不要去怕背锅 曾经是个懵懂少年做过一堆错事 不被理解不被原谅是因你的过失 谁没做过错事不是你逃避的借口 保持悔意不是只在脑里say着sorry barg is boring like monday morning keep real it's You should be doing now how about the song I'm cain I'm still singing Everything comes to him who waits. Everything comes to him who waits. Everything comes to him who waits. Everything comes to him who waits. 不需帮助什么事情都要自己做 满身伤痕你又不是没有失败过 look at the clock时钟转动没停过 you need to move告诉自己可以做 手起刀落断掉你的懒惰删掉所有记忆把所有的联络方式忘记能做到把别人花在酒吧网吧夜蒲吹逼的时间独自挽起袖子埋头继续做 世界为你定的那些规则 愚昧无知才想着去配合 一事无成的你还要跪着 还是站起身来奔跑管它多么曲折 Everything comes to him who waits. Everything comes to him who waits. Everything comes to him who waits. Everything comes to him who waits.
作词 : 该隐 作曲 : $CC731 这首歌献给20岁的自己 你很年轻但是缺了一点志气 需要别人护航但已不再幼稚 喜欢活在夜晚但你叫做天明 记得想要就去做不要再继续懒惰 切勿看着事情发生再去等待结果 记得事与愿违不再埋怨孰对孰错 你的肩膀还很结实不要去怕背锅 曾经是个懵懂少年做过一堆错事 不被理解不被原谅是因你的过失 谁没做过错事不是你逃避的借口 保持悔意不是只在脑里say着sorry barg is boring like monday morning keep real it's You should be doing now how about the song I'm cain I'm still singing Everything comes to him who waits. Everything comes to him who waits. Everything comes to him who waits. Everything comes to him who waits. 不需帮助什么事情都要自己做 满身伤痕你又不是没有失败过 look at the clock时钟转动没停过 you need to move告诉自己可以做 手起刀落断掉你的懒惰删掉所有记忆把所有的联络方式忘记能做到把别人花在酒吧网吧夜蒲吹逼的时间独自挽起袖子埋头继续做 世界为你定的那些规则 愚昧无知才想着去配合 一事无成的你还要跪着 还是站起身来奔跑管它多么曲折 Everything comes to him who waits. Everything comes to him who waits. Everything comes to him who waits. Everything comes to him who waits.