作词 : 无 作曲 : 无 那些年 演唱:丁亚为 / 李娜 录音:SING STUDIO·唱响录音室 还记得最初的遇见 Remember the first meeting 开始时你懵懂的脸 At the beginning of your ignorant face 满含期待 Full of expectations 站立在校门前 Standing in front of the school gate 时光塔底时光慢 Time is slow at the bottom of the tower~句子语法没问题,不过好像体现不出来是时光塔,看有没有必要了? 无数回忆连结 Innumerable memory links 今天我们再把故事重温一遍 Today we'll repeat the story again 又回到大学的起点 Back to the starting point of the University 通知书紧抱在胸前 The notice is held in front of the chest 茫然望着迎新学姐的脸 Looking at the face of the new school sister at a loss 看风雨操场洒满阳光 See the wind and rain playground full of sunshine~wind and rain playground确实可以翻译成风雨操场, 但是总觉得别扭,不行就直接用音译的fengyu 穿上一身帅气军装 Wear a handsome military uniform 铮铮铁骨英雄绝对不气馁 A clank hero is absolutely not discouraged 好想再回到那些年的时光 I want to go back to those years. 回到宿舍床位上下 Go back to the dorm bed 故意讨你温柔的骂 Deliberate your tender scolds~~你看这个这么翻译行不行 Deliberately beg your gentle curses 社团们形形色色 The community is in all shapes and colors~~这样好像很别扭—社团有各种形状和颜色,这样行不The community is diverse 你挑选好了吗 Have you picked it up 自己报完还要带上TA I have to bring TA to the end of the newspaper~~newspaper报纸?报纸的最后?Take them with you when you're done 这样呢? 那时候办过的活动 The activities that had been done at that time 那时候参加的比赛 The competition at that time ~~上下这两句如果想要保持押韵顺嘴的话可以把句式写成一样的The competition that have been joined at that time 好想拥抱你 I want to embrace you 拥抱无畏的勇气 Embrace the fearless courage 曾一起共筑青春梦 Once together to build a youth dream together——结尾的together可以不要了,我觉得,不过句式是不是过去时更合适点?Once together built a youthful dream 到现在回想那画面 Now think back to that picture 四年间欢声笑语全部都是你 All the jokes and laughter of four years are all you 那时候逃过的自习 The self - Practice of escaping at the time 那时候错过的习题 The missing exercises at the time ——上下这两个好像语法都说不太过,The self-study that escaped at that time, the exercises that missed at that time 好想让柯西 Good idea to let Cauchy——Good idea??I really want to have Cauchy 保佑我拿个好成绩 Bless me to get a good result 函数曲线画着心形 The function curve draws the heart shape 区间也许下过约定 The interval may have been agreed 一直陪着你 Have been with you all the time 一直陪着你 Have been with you all the time
走到了大学的终点 To the end of the University 再见了那懵懂的脸 Good-bye to that muddled face 我们终于 We are finally 来到了这一天 To this day 四方广场四方现 Four square square square square now——这句话好别扭。。。。 无数梦想启航 Countless dreams set sail 明天我们要做师大耀眼的光 Tomorrow we will be the dazzling light of the teachers——teachers?Normal University 又想起师大的春天 Reminiscent of the spring of the master——master?Normal University 幸福地走在百花间 Walking happily in a hundred flowers 蝴蝶突破乱丝缠绕的茧 The butterfly breaks through the filament winding cocoons 看校宠漫步傲娇模样 Look at the school's spoil and pamper——好像缺个词似的 look at the school pets walking around proudly 湖畔喂鱼轻声吟唱 The lake is sings to the fish——?湖对鱼唱歌??Feed fish on the lakeside and sang softly,这样呢? 对面的女孩笑得比春光媚 The girl opposite is smiling more than spring——这句我拿不准,好像差不多的样子 好想再回到穿院服的时光 I want to go back to the time of the dress——the time of the dress?the time dressing in School uniform 回到教室座位前后 Back to front and back of the classroom seat 假装和TA穿情侣装 Pretend to wear a couple with TA 运动会激情四射 The sports meeting is passionate 你舍得离开吗 Are you willing to leave 谁为谁喊她在等着他 Who is calling for her to wait for him 图书馆排过的长队 A long queue of Libraries 建模赛熬红的双眼 The modeling race is a red eye——好像不太对劲,The modeling race lead to a pair of red eyes 好想拥抱你 I want to embrace you 拥抱拼搏的美丽 Embrace the beauty of fighting 曾经我不懂这世界 I once did not understand the world 走近后探索才发现 After approaching, discovery is found 这世界滴滴点点都需要努力 The world needs to work hard 那时候敲过的代码 The code that was knocked at that time 那时候写过的算法 The algorithm that was written at that time 程序告诉你 The program tells you 告诉你有一劳永逸 Tell you about once and for all 多元统计非参时序 Multivariate statistical nonparametric time series 漫山云雾下的谜底 The riddle under the mountains and clouds 再一次相遇我会 Meet again, I will 紧紧抱着你 Hold you tightly 紧紧抱着你 Hold you tightly
作词 : 无 作曲 : 无 那些年 演唱:丁亚为 / 李娜 录音:SING STUDIO·唱响录音室 还记得最初的遇见 Remember the first meeting 开始时你懵懂的脸 At the beginning of your ignorant face 满含期待 Full of expectations 站立在校门前 Standing in front of the school gate 时光塔底时光慢 Time is slow at the bottom of the tower~句子语法没问题,不过好像体现不出来是时光塔,看有没有必要了? 无数回忆连结 Innumerable memory links 今天我们再把故事重温一遍 Today we'll repeat the story again 又回到大学的起点 Back to the starting point of the University 通知书紧抱在胸前 The notice is held in front of the chest 茫然望着迎新学姐的脸 Looking at the face of the new school sister at a loss 看风雨操场洒满阳光 See the wind and rain playground full of sunshine~wind and rain playground确实可以翻译成风雨操场, 但是总觉得别扭,不行就直接用音译的fengyu 穿上一身帅气军装 Wear a handsome military uniform 铮铮铁骨英雄绝对不气馁 A clank hero is absolutely not discouraged 好想再回到那些年的时光 I want to go back to those years. 回到宿舍床位上下 Go back to the dorm bed 故意讨你温柔的骂 Deliberate your tender scolds~~你看这个这么翻译行不行 Deliberately beg your gentle curses 社团们形形色色 The community is in all shapes and colors~~这样好像很别扭—社团有各种形状和颜色,这样行不The community is diverse 你挑选好了吗 Have you picked it up 自己报完还要带上TA I have to bring TA to the end of the newspaper~~newspaper报纸?报纸的最后?Take them with you when you're done 这样呢? 那时候办过的活动 The activities that had been done at that time 那时候参加的比赛 The competition at that time ~~上下这两句如果想要保持押韵顺嘴的话可以把句式写成一样的The competition that have been joined at that time 好想拥抱你 I want to embrace you 拥抱无畏的勇气 Embrace the fearless courage 曾一起共筑青春梦 Once together to build a youth dream together——结尾的together可以不要了,我觉得,不过句式是不是过去时更合适点?Once together built a youthful dream 到现在回想那画面 Now think back to that picture 四年间欢声笑语全部都是你 All the jokes and laughter of four years are all you 那时候逃过的自习 The self - Practice of escaping at the time 那时候错过的习题 The missing exercises at the time ——上下这两个好像语法都说不太过,The self-study that escaped at that time, the exercises that missed at that time 好想让柯西 Good idea to let Cauchy——Good idea??I really want to have Cauchy 保佑我拿个好成绩 Bless me to get a good result 函数曲线画着心形 The function curve draws the heart shape 区间也许下过约定 The interval may have been agreed 一直陪着你 Have been with you all the time 一直陪着你 Have been with you all the time
走到了大学的终点 To the end of the University 再见了那懵懂的脸 Good-bye to that muddled face 我们终于 We are finally 来到了这一天 To this day 四方广场四方现 Four square square square square now——这句话好别扭。。。。 无数梦想启航 Countless dreams set sail 明天我们要做师大耀眼的光 Tomorrow we will be the dazzling light of the teachers——teachers?Normal University 又想起师大的春天 Reminiscent of the spring of the master——master?Normal University 幸福地走在百花间 Walking happily in a hundred flowers 蝴蝶突破乱丝缠绕的茧 The butterfly breaks through the filament winding cocoons 看校宠漫步傲娇模样 Look at the school's spoil and pamper——好像缺个词似的 look at the school pets walking around proudly 湖畔喂鱼轻声吟唱 The lake is sings to the fish——?湖对鱼唱歌??Feed fish on the lakeside and sang softly,这样呢? 对面的女孩笑得比春光媚 The girl opposite is smiling more than spring——这句我拿不准,好像差不多的样子 好想再回到穿院服的时光 I want to go back to the time of the dress——the time of the dress?the time dressing in School uniform 回到教室座位前后 Back to front and back of the classroom seat 假装和TA穿情侣装 Pretend to wear a couple with TA 运动会激情四射 The sports meeting is passionate 你舍得离开吗 Are you willing to leave 谁为谁喊她在等着他 Who is calling for her to wait for him 图书馆排过的长队 A long queue of Libraries 建模赛熬红的双眼 The modeling race is a red eye——好像不太对劲,The modeling race lead to a pair of red eyes 好想拥抱你 I want to embrace you 拥抱拼搏的美丽 Embrace the beauty of fighting 曾经我不懂这世界 I once did not understand the world 走近后探索才发现 After approaching, discovery is found 这世界滴滴点点都需要努力 The world needs to work hard 那时候敲过的代码 The code that was knocked at that time 那时候写过的算法 The algorithm that was written at that time 程序告诉你 The program tells you 告诉你有一劳永逸 Tell you about once and for all 多元统计非参时序 Multivariate statistical nonparametric time series 漫山云雾下的谜底 The riddle under the mountains and clouds 再一次相遇我会 Meet again, I will 紧紧抱着你 Hold you tightly 紧紧抱着你 Hold you tightly