Population control. neither did they relish the possible consequences of an enraged public upon discovering that they were being systematically murdered. no one wanted to pick people out of a crowd and line them up for execution, The only alternative left was to increase the death rate, Something else had to be done that would absolve the decision-makers of guilt, A very short but very deadly global war was contemplated. something that could be blamed upon Mother Nature. an agent that does not naturally exist The answer, a synthetic biological agent, for which no natural immunity could have been acquired. The United States population was infected. The vaccine was administered by the world health organization. Take a look around and feel the wind blow Whatever causes AIDS was in the vaccine?br> I'm the first in line with a sentence on deathrow And to those ************* who decide our fate Annihilate, come together and kill their hate Cut their heads off and put 'em on a stake Stuff their bodies in a barrel and throw 'em in the lake Let the leaches feast on their own ************ your wrong, your on your own Chorus: We all go to fight for our rights Stand against those opposed We all go to fight for our rights Population Control (x2) [recorded voice] Over population is the most serious threat to the whole future of our species. Make them regret they thought they would win Rip their arms off from limb to limb Cut their tongues out to stop spreading lies Their poisonous venom has kept me blind Open your eyes don't you realize Come together, it's time we rise Population Control (x4) Chorus (x2) The vaccine was administered by the world health organization. [recorded voice] Chorus (x2) [recorded voice] The cure will be administered to the survivors when it is decided that enough people have died.
Population control. neither did they relish the possible consequences of an enraged public upon discovering that they were being systematically murdered. no one wanted to pick people out of a crowd and line them up for execution, The only alternative left was to increase the death rate, Something else had to be done that would absolve the decision-makers of guilt, A very short but very deadly global war was contemplated. something that could be blamed upon Mother Nature. an agent that does not naturally exist The answer, a synthetic biological agent, for which no natural immunity could have been acquired. The United States population was infected. The vaccine was administered by the world health organization. Take a look around and feel the wind blow Whatever causes AIDS was in the vaccine?br> I'm the first in line with a sentence on deathrow And to those ************* who decide our fate Annihilate, come together and kill their hate Cut their heads off and put 'em on a stake Stuff their bodies in a barrel and throw 'em in the lake Let the leaches feast on their own ************ your wrong, your on your own Chorus: We all go to fight for our rights Stand against those opposed We all go to fight for our rights Population Control (x2) [recorded voice] Over population is the most serious threat to the whole future of our species. Make them regret they thought they would win Rip their arms off from limb to limb Cut their tongues out to stop spreading lies Their poisonous venom has kept me blind Open your eyes don't you realize Come together, it's time we rise Population Control (x4) Chorus (x2) The vaccine was administered by the world health organization. [recorded voice] Chorus (x2) [recorded voice] The cure will be administered to the survivors when it is decided that enough people have died.