1Henze: Essay On Pigs (1968) Based On A Poem By Gastón Salvatore - abschiedsformeln "es ist nicht str
2Henze: Essay On Pigs (1968) Based On A Poem By Gastón Salvatore - feststellung "besser ist es"
3Henze: Whispers From Heavenly Death (1948) - 4. "Till when the ties loosen" (Allegro)
4Henze: Whispers From Heavenly Death (1948) - 5. "Then we burst forth" (Allegro molto)
5Henze: Whispers From Heavenly Death (1948) - 1. "Darest thou now, o soul" (Moderato)
6Henze: Whispers From Heavenly Death (1948) - 3. "I know it not, o soul" (Adagio)
7Henze: Essay On Pigs (1968) Based On A Poem By Gastón Salvatore - (versuch über schweine) "deine ver
8Henze: Five Neapolitan Songs (1956) For Baritone And Chamber Orchestra - 5. Arbero piccerillo, te ch
9Henze: Whispers From Heavenly Death (1948) - 2. "No map there" (Tranquillo)
10Henze: Being Beauteous (1963) Cantata from "Illuminations" (1872/73)
11Henze: Essay On Pigs (1968) Based On A Poem By Gastón Salvatore - langer exkurs für entenlockflöte "
12Henze: Five Neapolitan Songs (1956) For Baritone And Chamber Orchestra - 4. Amaie 'nu ninno cu' sudo
13Henze: Five Neapolitan Songs (1956) For Baritone And Chamber Orchestra - 3. Amaie 'na nenne pe' trid
14Henze: Five Neapolitan Songs (1956) For Baritone And Chamber Orchestra - 1. Aggio saputo ca la morte