1Entagled in Carnal Compulsion
2Incarnate Malicious Murderer
3Fornication of the Heavenly
4Enslaved By Commadments - Chastised By Scriptures
5The Shepherd of Tophet
6Blasphemous Erections
7Evil Domain Prevails
8Toguahepora AñAraity
9Impalement Ritual Assembly
The Shepherd of Tophet
Sodomiticvm Per Conclave
1Impalement Ritual Assembly
2Toguahepora AñAraity
3Evil Domain Prevails
4Blasphemous Erections
6Enslaved By Commadments - Chastised By Scriptures
7Fornication of the Heavenly
8Incarnate Malicious Murderer
9Entagled in Carnal Compulsion
10Mighty Erection Ov Holiness