10The Rite of Spring:II: The Chosen One (Danse sacrale: L’élue)
11The Rite of Spring:II: Evocation of the Ancestors (Evocation des ancêtres)
12The Rite of Spring:II: Ritual Action of the Ancestors (Action rituelle des ancêtres)
13The Rite of Spring:I: Dance of the Earth (Danse de la terre)
14The Rite of Spring:II: Glorification of the Chosen One (Glorification de l’élue)
16The Rite of Spring:II: Mystic Circles of the Young Girls (Cercles mystérieux des adolescentes)
18The Rite of Spring:I: Procession of the Sage (Cortège du sage)
19The Rite of Spring:I: Spring Rounds (Rondes Printanières)
20The Rite of Spring:I: Ritual of the Rival Tribes (Jeux des cités rivales)
23The Rite of Spring:I: The Augurs of Spring (Les Augures printaniers) / Dances of the Young Girls (Da