3Pictures at an Exhibition: XV. La Grande porte de Kiev (The Great Gate of Kiev)
5Pictures at an Exhibition: XII. Catacombs (Roman sepulchres)
6Pictures at an Exhibition: X. 'Samuel' Goldenberg and 'Schmuyle'
7Pictures at an Exhibition: XI. Limoges: le marché (Limoges Market)
8Pictures at an Exhibition: XIV. La Cabane sur des pattes de poule (The Hut on Hen Legs)
9Pictures at an Exhibition: XIII. Con mortuis in lingua mortua (With the Dead in a Dead Language)
10Pictures at an Exhibition: IX. Ballet de poussins dans leurs coques (Ballet of the Unhatched Chicken
11Pictures at an Exhibition: VI. Tuileries: Dispute d'enfants après jeux (Tuilerie Gardens – Children
14Pictures at an Exhibition: IV. Il vecchio castello (The Old Castle)