2Animal, Dog - Group of Dogs Behind Chain Link Fence: Vicious Barking, Dogs
4Animal, Dog - Standard Poodle: Ext: Two Barks, Dogs, Give You the Hollywood Edge
5Animal, Dog - Siberian Huskies: Ext: Large Group, Intense Barking and Howling, Dogs, Blockbuster Sou
9Animal, Dog - Miniature Schnauzer: Single Bark and Sneeze, Dogs, Dr. Sound Effects
11Animal, Dog - Two Large Dogs: Barking, Dogs, Authentic Sound Effects
14Animal, Dog - Large Dog Barking with Light Snarling Dogs, Greatest Sound Effects
16Animal, Dog - Labrador Retriever: Three Barks, Some Cage Rattle, Dogs
17Animal, Dog - Kleinspitz: Single Yelping Bark and Growl, Dogs
19Animal, Dog - Large Dog: Golden Retriever: Barking Dogs, Sound FX
23Animal, Dog - Bernese Mountain Dog: Ext: Three Barks, Dogs
24Animal, Dog - Siberian Huskies: Ext: Large Group, Intense Barking and Howling, Dogs
25Animal, Dog - Small Dog: Ext: Barking at Night, Echo, Dogs
26Animal, Dog - Miniature Schnauzer: Single Bark and Growl, Dogs
28Animal, Dog - Dog Pound or Humane Society: Int: Dogs Barking and Whining, Voices, Miscellaneous Ambi
29Animal, Dog - Standard and Toy Poodle: Ext: Constant Barking, Dogs
31Animal, Dog - Standard Poodle: Int: Constant Barking, Dogs
32Animal, Dog - Hound Dog: Barking and Howling, Distant Perspective, Distant Traffic, Light Birds, Dog
36Animal, Dogs - Large Breed: Two Dogs Barking and Growling Dogs
38Animal, Dog - Finnish Lapphund Dogs: Ext: Barking and Growling, Dogs