So many roads I've wandered. 尘世万途,我独踟躇。 Only to find they all lead to my door. 离幻心觉,皆入窄门。 So I don't have to search no more. 觉心不动,无欲无求。 I take the water to the thirsty. 人间甘泉,自取一瓢。 I sing my song to the empty sky. 天地空灵,畅怀高歌。 I know the rains they have heard me cry. 雨落苍生,知我悲悯。
I've got this empty heart 得此禅心,我复何求? that I can't explain 天地恩宠,妙不可言。 No longing for love, no sweet pain 爱之忧愁,泯然人间。 No voice I hear in the still of night 长夜寂静,大爱无声。 Just an empty heart, full of light 独此禅心,三界灿然。 Resting in emptiness 净念相继,执著无存。
I've tried to name the nameless 我曾执迷,欲言妙有。 I've tried hard to understand 苦思冥想,求之不得。 When I closed my fist, Well, of course I missed 合十以向,失之凿然。 There was nothing in my hand. 本无一物,何来尘埃? I used to think I knew where I was going 我曾以为,知之所向。 I used to think we had to get somewhere 我曾自恃,宿命所往。 Now it's enough to watch the river flowing 得幸破执,静观长河。
Repeat Twice I've got this empty heart 得此禅心,我复何求? that I can't explain 天地恩宠,妙不可言。 No longing for love, no sweet pain 爱之忧愁,泯然人间。 No voice I hear in the still of night 长夜寂静,大爱无声。 Just an empty heart, full of light 独此禅心,三界灿然。
Resting in emptiness 净念相继,执著无存。 Resting in emptiness 转迷成悟,离苦得乐。 Resting in emptiness 心歇菩提,无上正觉。
翻译:@Elliott琦 at 2012-06-22
Empty Heart 空寂之心
So many roads I've wandered. 尘世万途,我独踟躇。 Only to find they all lead to my door. 离幻心觉,皆入窄门。 So I don't have to search no more. 觉心不动,无欲无求。 I take the water to the thirsty. 人间甘泉,自取一瓢。 I sing my song to the empty sky. 天地空灵,畅怀高歌。 I know the rains they have heard me cry. 雨落苍生,知我悲悯。
I've got this empty heart 得此禅心,我复何求? that I can't explain 天地恩宠,妙不可言。 No longing for love, no sweet pain 爱之忧愁,泯然人间。 No voice I hear in the still of night 长夜寂静,大爱无声。 Just an empty heart, full of light 独此禅心,三界灿然。 Resting in emptiness 净念相继,执著无存。
I've tried to name the nameless 我曾执迷,欲言妙有。 I've tried hard to understand 苦思冥想,求之不得。 When I closed my fist, Well, of course I missed 合十以向,失之凿然。 There was nothing in my hand. 本无一物,何来尘埃? I used to think I knew where I was going 我曾以为,知之所向。 I used to think we had to get somewhere 我曾自恃,宿命所往。 Now it's enough to watch the river flowing 得幸破执,静观长河。
Repeat Twice I've got this empty heart 得此禅心,我复何求? that I can't explain 天地恩宠,妙不可言。 No longing for love, no sweet pain 爱之忧愁,泯然人间。 No voice I hear in the still of night 长夜寂静,大爱无声。 Just an empty heart, full of light 独此禅心,三界灿然。
Resting in emptiness 净念相继,执著无存。 Resting in emptiness 转迷成悟,离苦得乐。 Resting in emptiness 心歇菩提,无上正觉。