Rooster rooster,公鸡、公鸡, Cock-a-doodle,喔喔喔, Cock-a-doodle.喔喔喔。 Wake up!起床啦! Wake up!起床啦! Wake up now!起床啦!
Little chicks chicks,小鸡、小鸡, Peep peep peep peep peep peep; 叽叽叽叽叽叽; Little ducks quack quack quack;小鸭嘎嘎嘎; Little sheep baa baa baa.小羊咩咩咩。 Hey little pig pig,小猪、小猪, It's time to wake up!天亮了起床啦! The sun is shining bright,太阳高高挂, Come sing with us!来唱歌吧!
Hey little pig,嘿!小猪, Hey little pig,嘿!小猪, It’s time to wake up now!起床啦! It’s time to wake up now!起床啦! Sing with us,一起唱歌, Sing with us,一起唱歌, Sing together.一起来唱歌。 Sing with us,一起唱歌, Sing with us,一起唱歌, Sing together.一起来唱歌。
Little frogs frogs,青蛙、青蛙, Croak croak croak croak croak croak; 呱呱呱呱呱呱; Honey bees buzz buzz buzz;蜜蜂嗡嗡嗡; Little bird tweet tweet tweet.小鸟喳喳喳。 Hey little pig pig,小猪、小猪, It's time to wake up!天亮了起床啦! You have to hurry up,你快点起来, Come sing with us!来一起唱歌吧!
I’m gonna sleep a little more.我要再睡一会"
Rooster rooster,公鸡、公鸡, Cock-a-doodle,喔喔喔, Cock-a-doodle.喔喔喔。 Wake up!起床啦! Wake up!起床啦! Wake up now!起床啦!
Little chicks chicks,小鸡、小鸡, Peep peep peep peep peep peep; 叽叽叽叽叽叽; Little ducks quack quack quack;小鸭嘎嘎嘎; Little sheep baa baa baa.小羊咩咩咩。 Hey little pig pig,小猪、小猪, It's time to wake up!天亮了起床啦! The sun is shining bright,太阳高高挂, Come sing with us!来唱歌吧!
Hey little pig,嘿!小猪, Hey little pig,嘿!小猪, It’s time to wake up now!起床啦! It’s time to wake up now!起床啦! Sing with us,一起唱歌, Sing with us,一起唱歌, Sing together.一起来唱歌。 Sing with us,一起唱歌, Sing with us,一起唱歌, Sing together.一起来唱歌。
Little frogs frogs,青蛙、青蛙, Croak croak croak croak croak croak; 呱呱呱呱呱呱; Honey bees buzz buzz buzz;蜜蜂嗡嗡嗡; Little bird tweet tweet tweet.小鸟喳喳喳。 Hey little pig pig,小猪、小猪, It's time to wake up!天亮了起床啦! You have to hurry up,你快点起来, Come sing with us!来一起唱歌吧!