I came first. 我先到的。 No, I came first. 不,是我先到的。 Don’t fight, guys. 你们别吵了。 (I’m first!) (No, I’m first!) 我先玩! 不,我先玩! No, I’m first! 不,我先玩! What’s the matter? 你们怎么啦? Ms. Maymay, I want to ride the slide first. 老师,我想第一个玩滑滑梯。 I want to ride the slide first, too! 我也想第一个玩滑滑梯。 KIKI, WHISKERS, we have only one slide here. 奇奇,皮皮,好玩的滑梯只有一个哦。 When both of you want it at the same time, what should we do? 你们2个都想玩的时候,该怎么办才好呢? Um… um… 嗯...嗯... You should line up and use it one at a time. 是不是应该要排队轮流玩呢? So everyone will have a good time. 这样大家才会一起玩的更开心呢。 WHISKERS, let’s line up! 皮皮,我们去排队吧! OK! 好的! Let’s play on the slide together! Yeah! 让我们一起玩滑滑梯吧!耶!
A long long slide, 长长的滑梯, Like an elephant’s trunk, 像大象鼻子, Everybody, stand in a line. 小朋友们,都排着队。 Hold the handrail tight, 小手要扶好, One step at a time, 一步一步走好, Climb the stairs up to the top. 慢慢爬上小楼梯。 Hold on, wait your turn, 不推挤,耐心等, Please go down the slide one at a time. 一个一个轮流玩。 Sit up straight please, 坐稳脚放好, And please don’t go too fast, 慢慢滑下去, It’s so fun to ride the slide. 滑滑梯真有趣。
A long long slide, 长长的滑梯, Like an elephant’s trunk, 像大象鼻子, Everybody, stand in a line. 小朋友们,都排着队。 Hold the handrail tight, 小手要扶好, One step at a time, 一步一步走好, Climb the stairs up to the top. 慢慢爬上小楼梯。 Hold on, wait your turn, 不推挤,耐心等, Please go down the slide one at a time. 一个一个轮流玩。 Sit up straight please, 坐稳脚放好, And please don’t go too fast, 慢慢滑下去, It’s so fun to ride the slide. 滑滑梯真有趣。
Remember, wait for your friend to leave the slide first. 记得,要等前面一个小朋友滑完才能滑哦。
A long long slide, 长长的滑梯, Like an elephant’s trunk, 像大象鼻子, Everybody, stand in a line. 小朋友们,都排着队。 Hold the handrail tight, 小手要扶好, One step at a time, 一步一步走好, Climb the stairs up to the top. 慢慢爬上小楼梯。 Hold on, wait your turn, 不推挤,耐心等, Please go down the slide one at a time. 一个一个轮流玩。 Sit up straight please, 坐稳脚放好, And please don’t go too fast, 慢慢滑下去, It’s so fun to ride the slide. 滑滑梯真有趣。
When you play with your friends, Always remember to follow the rules, so everyone can have a good time! 跟大家一起玩的时候,要轮流排队才更好玩哦。"
I came first. 我先到的。 No, I came first. 不,是我先到的。 Don’t fight, guys. 你们别吵了。 (I’m first!) (No, I’m first!) 我先玩! 不,我先玩! No, I’m first! 不,我先玩! What’s the matter? 你们怎么啦? Ms. Maymay, I want to ride the slide first. 老师,我想第一个玩滑滑梯。 I want to ride the slide first, too! 我也想第一个玩滑滑梯。 KIKI, WHISKERS, we have only one slide here. 奇奇,皮皮,好玩的滑梯只有一个哦。 When both of you want it at the same time, what should we do? 你们2个都想玩的时候,该怎么办才好呢? Um… um… 嗯...嗯... You should line up and use it one at a time. 是不是应该要排队轮流玩呢? So everyone will have a good time. 这样大家才会一起玩的更开心呢。 WHISKERS, let’s line up! 皮皮,我们去排队吧! OK! 好的! Let’s play on the slide together! Yeah! 让我们一起玩滑滑梯吧!耶!
A long long slide, 长长的滑梯, Like an elephant’s trunk, 像大象鼻子, Everybody, stand in a line. 小朋友们,都排着队。 Hold the handrail tight, 小手要扶好, One step at a time, 一步一步走好, Climb the stairs up to the top. 慢慢爬上小楼梯。 Hold on, wait your turn, 不推挤,耐心等, Please go down the slide one at a time. 一个一个轮流玩。 Sit up straight please, 坐稳脚放好, And please don’t go too fast, 慢慢滑下去, It’s so fun to ride the slide. 滑滑梯真有趣。
A long long slide, 长长的滑梯, Like an elephant’s trunk, 像大象鼻子, Everybody, stand in a line. 小朋友们,都排着队。 Hold the handrail tight, 小手要扶好, One step at a time, 一步一步走好, Climb the stairs up to the top. 慢慢爬上小楼梯。 Hold on, wait your turn, 不推挤,耐心等, Please go down the slide one at a time. 一个一个轮流玩。 Sit up straight please, 坐稳脚放好, And please don’t go too fast, 慢慢滑下去, It’s so fun to ride the slide. 滑滑梯真有趣。
Remember, wait for your friend to leave the slide first. 记得,要等前面一个小朋友滑完才能滑哦。
A long long slide, 长长的滑梯, Like an elephant’s trunk, 像大象鼻子, Everybody, stand in a line. 小朋友们,都排着队。 Hold the handrail tight, 小手要扶好, One step at a time, 一步一步走好, Climb the stairs up to the top. 慢慢爬上小楼梯。 Hold on, wait your turn, 不推挤,耐心等, Please go down the slide one at a time. 一个一个轮流玩。 Sit up straight please, 坐稳脚放好, And please don’t go too fast, 慢慢滑下去, It’s so fun to ride the slide. 滑滑梯真有趣。
When you play with your friends, Always remember to follow the rules, so everyone can have a good time! 跟大家一起玩的时候,要轮流排队才更好玩哦。"