1Branle Des Chevaux
2Two Rondos from Danserye
3Byrd One Brere
4Welcome to Cork
5Road to Lisdoonvarna
6Quen a Omagen
7Banish Misfortune
8Corn Yairds
9Reis Glorios
10Dame Ne Regardez Pas
11Cooley's Reel - Congress Reel - Boys of Bluehill
12The Fairy Dance
13Loibere Risen
14Cuncti Simus
15Star Above the Garter - Monaghan's Jig - Water Under the Keel
A Bard's Side Quest
Come Little Children
Itsumo Nando Demo (Always With Me)
The Court of Leaves
1Come Little Children
2Itsumo Nando Demo (Always with Me)
3Music Box - Silent Hill 2
4To My Dear Friends - Chrono Trigger
5So Far Away And So Near
6Cleyra Settlement - Final Fantasy IX
7Radical Dreamers - Chrono Cross
8The Village Festival - Dark Cloud
9The Dragonborn Comes - Skyrim
10Hymn of the Fayth - Final Fantasy X