1look up! there is a perfect gradient in the top of that tree
2here comes the sweater weather
3new stationery for a new semester
4the biggest pile of leaves you have ever seen
5animal crossing signs on the highways in other countries
6seasonal produce
7an awkward dinner conversation at a family gathering
8just walking around
9adventure music for migrating birds
10raindrops plucking the last leaves from a tree
falling asleep with a book on your chest
My Petit Melodies
Music For Apartments
Computer Recital
Little Songs About Raindrops
Plays Pajama Pop Pour Vous
1falling asleep with a book on your chest
2Good Night, Good Night
3Humming in the Bathtub
4Swinging in the Park at Night
6Snow Country
8I Love You More Than Rice
9Icicles Melting
10Orange Juice