1Endless Nauseous Days
3Tomurai (May our father Die)
4Beyond the Hate Red
5Lost My Self
6State of Gloom
7Aloof and Proud Silence
8Colour of Coma
Ill Innocence
The Dawn of Gallhammer
Gloomy Lights
The End
2君の笑顔のために -I like your smile-
3そこにある死 -Battle6:Deadly Rave-
4終末に見るユメ -Battle12:Gaia of eternal dream-
5死地へゆかん -Judgment-
6混沌の夜明け -Dawn of Chaos-
7ずっこけ? -Slow Life-
8覇権をその手に -Hegemony-
9貴重な産卵シーン -Spawning Scene-
10ラストスタンド -Battle11:Last Stand-