The water is wide I can't cross over And either have I wings to fly Give me a boat that can carry two And both shall row my love and I Oh love is gentle and love is kind The sweetest flower when first it's new But love goes on then waxing cold And fades away like morning dew music There's a ship and she sails the sea She's loaded deep as deep can be But not as deep as the love I'm in I know not if I sink or swim
天池水盎,空怅惘,无翅怎飞翔。 谁为我造舟,与爱相伴,双桨悠悠荡。
爱是那样潇洒漂亮,仿佛鲜花绽放。 然而当爱成往事蜡炬成灰,宛若夏日露珠泪淌。
The water is wide I can't cross over And either have I wings to fly Give me a boat that can carry two And both shall row my love and I Oh love is gentle and love is kind The sweetest flower when first it's new But love goes on then waxing cold And fades away like morning dew music There's a ship and she sails the sea She's loaded deep as deep can be But not as deep as the love I'm in I know not if I sink or swim