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  • 天上飘着些微云 Wisps of clouds in the sky afloat
    地上吹着些微风 Light breeze on the earth blows
    啊。。。微风吹动了我头发 Alas! Light breeze on my hair flutters
    教我如何不想她 How can I not think of her?
    月光恋爱着海洋 Moonbeam caresses the sea
    海洋恋爱着月光 The sea embraces the moonbeam
    啊。。。这般蜜也似的明月 Alas! On a night so sweet and silver
    教我如何不想她 How can I not think of her?
    水面落花慢慢流 Fallen petals drift on water
    水底鱼儿慢慢游 Slowly, fish swims along under
    啊。。。燕子你说些什么话 Alas! Swallows, what do you whisper?
    教我如何不想她 How can I not think of her?
    枯树在冷风里摇 Withered trees in cold wind sway
    野火在暮色中烧 Wild fires in dusk ablaze
    啊。。。西天还有些儿残霞 Alas! Sunset in western sky lingers
    教我如何不想她 How can I not think of her?
  • 天上飘着些微云 Wisps of clouds in the sky afloat
    地上吹着些微风 Light breeze on the earth blows
    啊。。。微风吹动了我头发 Alas! Light breeze on my hair flutters
    教我如何不想她 How can I not think of her?
    月光恋爱着海洋 Moonbeam caresses the sea
    海洋恋爱着月光 The sea embraces the moonbeam
    啊。。。这般蜜也似的明月 Alas! On a night so sweet and silver
    教我如何不想她 How can I not think of her?
    水面落花慢慢流 Fallen petals drift on water
    水底鱼儿慢慢游 Slowly, fish swims along under
    啊。。。燕子你说些什么话 Alas! Swallows, what do you whisper?
    教我如何不想她 How can I not think of her?
    枯树在冷风里摇 Withered trees in cold wind sway
    野火在暮色中烧 Wild fires in dusk ablaze
    啊。。。西天还有些儿残霞 Alas! Sunset in western sky lingers
    教我如何不想她 How can I not think of her?