In slavery of the blood thirst, drink from their hearts If your brother shows mercy, tear him apart, apart Follow me through the winds that curse our name Out into the land of the slain Drink from their hearts Tear their bodies apart Assemble the wicked Their souls will be lifted These machines will not see defeat As they sever your arteries Mindless skeletons under control Slay them all till their blood is cold Watch the limbs fall at your feet Move your eyes through which I
In slavery of the blood thirst, drink from their hearts If your brother shows mercy, tear him apart, apart Follow me through the winds that curse our name Out into the land of the slain Drink from their hearts Tear their bodies apart Assemble the wicked Their souls will be lifted These machines will not see defeat As they sever your arteries Mindless skeletons under control Slay them all till their blood is cold Watch the limbs fall at your feet Move your eyes through which I