Across the skies the monuments stand Shrines of wonder, man worshipping man Computer ethics mock a dying land Down below like rats in a cage Success, survival, two needles in hay It's Romans One facing satan's stare Pull down the forests we need more wood Extend the grazing we need more food Burning our bridges before the flood Out on the oceans where it's relatively safe It's not so easy being big as a whale We're all in a race on a bigger scale Homosapien, I've had enough Homosapien, I'm giving up At best your wisdom's a shot in the dark So make yourself pretty, make yourself rich Leopardskin, sealskin, money and *** Apartheid, genocide, thalidomide, life It's your choice But mountains Are holy places And beauty is free We can still walk Through the garden Our earth was once green
Across the skies the monuments stand Shrines of wonder, man worshipping man Computer ethics mock a dying land Down below like rats in a cage Success, survival, two needles in hay It's Romans One facing satan's stare Pull down the forests we need more wood Extend the grazing we need more food Burning our bridges before the flood Out on the oceans where it's relatively safe It's not so easy being big as a whale We're all in a race on a bigger scale Homosapien, I've had enough Homosapien, I'm giving up At best your wisdom's a shot in the dark So make yourself pretty, make yourself rich Leopardskin, sealskin, money and *** Apartheid, genocide, thalidomide, life It's your choice But mountains Are holy places And beauty is free We can still walk Through the garden Our earth was once green