Sons and daughters of the dust Strangers of time and place For a while your limbs entwine Holy marriage of the flesh But I know your ways Your ways are not mortal thought Till the day breaks and shadows run Run away So shine on harvest moon Cast you might on the ripening corn And I look at your life Hold you in my arms With all the power in the days of youth In the fullness of love Fields run deep in golden swards Hot summer winds blow through the corn Cast off your sorrows now you stand In the presence of the Lord And your radiance shines Like the moon of all innocent grace To know that we dared breathe belief To love again So shine on harvest moon Cast you might on the ripening corn And I look at your life Hold you in my arms With all the power in the days of youth In the fullness of love
Sons and daughters of the dust Strangers of time and place For a while your limbs entwine Holy marriage of the flesh But I know your ways Your ways are not mortal thought Till the day breaks and shadows run Run away So shine on harvest moon Cast you might on the ripening corn And I look at your life Hold you in my arms With all the power in the days of youth In the fullness of love Fields run deep in golden swards Hot summer winds blow through the corn Cast off your sorrows now you stand In the presence of the Lord And your radiance shines Like the moon of all innocent grace To know that we dared breathe belief To love again So shine on harvest moon Cast you might on the ripening corn And I look at your life Hold you in my arms With all the power in the days of youth In the fullness of love