For how long have they done thy will "The sun of midnight is ever the son" How much it takes to see what burns our skin Oh what have we achieved by this Words are spoken and things are done, What is wrong God is damned but god's animal mother is alright "I can't find myself, Don't need this anymore" (Well, At least my mother has faith in magic) The loss of strength could not have me Asinine and golden I ride to this city While by our lady precious chaos rules For how long has all been in dirt Let's hope it rains, I think they're dying or is it just me Well, At least the stars gave birth to something new But if it's the kind of love and it's the kind of love That we've been warned about, They're in trouble And the stakes are high as that of Bruno's For all the humble tyrants nowadays Is it better to keep on singing "Your paths were never even close to mine" When I was cast aside I thought it'd be my fate With hollow eyes Proserpina's garden is left behind And the stakes are high as that of Bruno's For all the humble tyrants nowadays Is it better to keep on singing "Your paths were never even close to mine"
For how long have they done thy will "The sun of midnight is ever the son" How much it takes to see what burns our skin Oh what have we achieved by this Words are spoken and things are done, What is wrong God is damned but god's animal mother is alright "I can't find myself, Don't need this anymore" (Well, At least my mother has faith in magic) The loss of strength could not have me Asinine and golden I ride to this city While by our lady precious chaos rules For how long has all been in dirt Let's hope it rains, I think they're dying or is it just me Well, At least the stars gave birth to something new But if it's the kind of love and it's the kind of love That we've been warned about, They're in trouble And the stakes are high as that of Bruno's For all the humble tyrants nowadays Is it better to keep on singing "Your paths were never even close to mine" When I was cast aside I thought it'd be my fate With hollow eyes Proserpina's garden is left behind And the stakes are high as that of Bruno's For all the humble tyrants nowadays Is it better to keep on singing "Your paths were never even close to mine"