1Hobophobic (Scared of Bums)
2Philthy Phil Philanthropist
3Freedom Like A Shopping Cart
4Bleeding Heart Disease
5Hot Dog In A Hallway
6Release The Hostages
8What's The Matter With Kids Today?
9Love Story
10The Black & White
11Whatever Didi Wants
12August 8th
13Drop The World
Regaining Usconciousness
There's No 'Too Soon' If Time is Relative
Just the Flu
Cheese/Where's My Slice?
The P.M.R.C. Can Suck On This
S&M Airlines
1See Her Pee
2Kill All The White Man
4Just the Flu
5Hardcore 84
6Franco Un-American
7Idiots Are Taking Over
9Cheese/Where's My Slice?
10There's No 'Too Soon' If Time is Relative