„Now, I am become Death. The destroyer of worlds“ Vril! Babalon Antichrist Rocketeer Trinity a-bomb holy grail Manhattan shangri-la black sun coming race golem-makers open abyss twilight Bohemia moonchild incarnate I am the god of war and vengeance I will give you a war engine Hail! Critical mass Atomic fire Thousand suns Road of death Wormhole Apocalypse Gate of stars Zero hour
„Now, I am become Death. The destroyer of worlds“ Vril! Babalon Antichrist Rocketeer Trinity a-bomb holy grail Manhattan shangri-la black sun coming race golem-makers open abyss twilight Bohemia moonchild incarnate I am the god of war and vengeance I will give you a war engine Hail! Critical mass Atomic fire Thousand suns Road of death Wormhole Apocalypse Gate of stars Zero hour